
Picture of humpback mouth

The links included on this page are educational resources for your use. Most are in alphabetical order and others are classificed by topic. We are in the process of making descriptions of these links in order to make your search more effective. If you know of more interesting links please forward the information to us so that we can share it with other WhaleNet users.


An Introduction to the Internet for Teachers - This tutorial is geared towards teachers who have had little or no exposure to the Internet. It covers basic concepts and is not specific to any computer hardware or software.

SURVEY - Participate in a research survey on whale watching.

Activities and Curriculum Units (WhaleNet)

Aquaria and Science Institutions

Aquaria Around the World
Boston Museum of Science
Gulf of Maine Aquarium
Hatfield Marine Station Educational Programs
Long Marine Lab, Scientific Method of Investigation
Los Angeles Museum of Natural History
M.A.R.E. Marine Activities Resources & Education
Monterey Bay Aquarium
New England Aquarium - Teacher Resource Center
New England Science Center
The University of Toledo SciMaTEC Center
Sea World Teacher's Guides
Smithsonian Institute's Ocean Planet Exhibit Images/Searchable Index
The Tennessee Aquarium
Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. K-12 Resources, Index of Topics: Nice resources.

Atmospheric, Earth Science, and Oceanographic Internet Resources

Athena: Earth and Space Science for K-12
Distributed Ocean Data System, Oceanography Society
Earth Observing System Project
Gateway to Antarctica
Global Change Master Directory
National Climate Data Center
National Geophysical Data Center
NODC (National Oceanographic Data Center)
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
OCEANIC, Ocean Information Center includes WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment), and TOGA-COARE
SeaWIFS Project
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. GLOBEC--MIT--Georges Bank Program
U.S. JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Navy
World Data Center
WWW Virtual Library: Oceanography


Dolphins & Porpoises
Fin Whales
General Whale Bibliography
Gray Whales
Humpback Whales
Right Whales
Killer Whales
Extensive bibliography, fact and fiction, on all whales

Careers in Marine Mammal Science

Bio-Acoustics and Marine Acoustics

Acoustic Monitoring Using U.S. Navy SOSUS Info on fixes using sound.
Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Univ. Marine Mammal Research.
Hydrostatic Monitoring Center
Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics, Univ. of Pavia Nice site for sounds and spectrographs.


"Crystal- The Story of a Real Baby Whale"
"Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska"
"Whale is Stuck"

Beaufort Scale, The /Sea State Scale(Northern Illinois Univeristy)

Classification of Species with Information and Images

Discovering Whales - listing by species
Marine Mammal Classifications and descriptions by species
Marine Mammal Stranding Center
NMFS Organism Images
Orca Info from Center for Whale Research
Ocras in the Mist, Sounds and info
Plankton Page (Great resources)
Sea World Photo Index (images)
Specimen Images Listed by Phylum (images)
Species Identification Key.
Sperm Whale Dissection and Articulation - What is inside a whale?
U.S. Marine Fishes - Many Fish images/drawings
Whale Species Identification Chart:Allied Whale/College of the Atlantic

Commercial Suppliers : Materials used in WhaleNet Activities

Conservation Group Affiliates with Educational Resources

Cetacean Society International: Conservation and Education
International Wildlife Coalition "Teachers Kit"
Mingan Island Cetacean Study, Data on Blue Whale Contamination
Oil Spill Public Information Center
Whale Conservation Institute
"Tales of Whales" - Roger Payne's IMAX Film - Information on Film and Species of Whales

Dictionary & Glossary

Dictionary/Hypertext Webster Interface
International Wildlife Coalition "Glossary"

Earth Summit+5 - Special Session of the General Assembly to Review and Appraise the Implementation of Agenda 21

Educational Resources/WhaleNet Awards Links

Access Excellence - Genentech"
The Argus Clearinghouse
Bagheera - A Website for our Endangered Species
Cool Central's Cool site of the hour. Web sites to check out.
Discovery Channel School
You can also check out
Discovery Channel's online resources.
Discovery Channel Online:Weblinks
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
Exploratorium-Ten Cool Sites
"Fledge"... McGraw-Hill Home Interactive's web site.
National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)
The Global SchoolHouse, presented by the Global SchoolNet Foundation.
National Academy Press Cool Links of the Month
"Gakkos": NEC's Global Network Class
Massachusetts Study Project
MARMAM articles Society of Marine Mammalogy articles archived.
Tabor Academy, Schaefer Oceanology Laboratory Mostly intertidal areas.
Voyage Publishing - Science and the Environment

Government Educational and Satellite Image Links

Argos Inc. (Global Data Telemetry and Geo-positioning Services)
Artic Climatology Atlas Web Site:NOAA - Images and Ed. Resources.
Earth Observation System: NASA - Images and Ed. Resources.
The Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
Kids Corner - Bowhead Whale Aerial Survey Project
The Living Ocean:Studying Ocean Color from Space, Teacher's Guide with activities.
Northeast Fisheries Science Center Woods Hole Lab
SeaWIFS Project - Educational Units with Satellite Images
Sea Grant Legal Program
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Educational Resources
U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act: includes Species Images and Information

Infamous Exploding Whale - Worth the download time.

Link Lists

EE Link: Environmental Education on the Internet
Useful EnviroNet Web Sites and Resources
IECC-Projects - Intercultural E-mail Classroom
Loogootee's Community School's Science Resource Link Page
Marine Mammal Resources Links, Vast array of resource links
Marine Sciences Links (Good Site)
The Mining Co. (The Biology Section with Links)
A Marine Science Information and Interaction Web Site
Protected Marine Species, Research and Information
Synchronicity: a full service web provider
Whale Watching Related Links

Map, Distance and Tide Generators

Tide PredictorWWW Interface by Dean Pentcheff

Coastline Extractor
Map Generator
Distance generator from any two points
Earth-Rise Maps
Ocean Basins, Atlantic and Pacific-Earthwatch
Position Locations, Lat/Long, Zip Code, etc.
Tide Generator and Current Predictor
U.S. National Geophysical Data Center (World Maps)

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Mimi User Resources

Mimi Connections Website
Voyage of the Mimi materials (Sunburst Communications)

Multilingual Links

Fondazione Cetacea English and Italian page
Caribbean Stranding NetworkRed CaribeƱa de Varamiento (Spanish)
Chile Science Site (in South America!)
Consejo National de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Science & Technology site in Mexico)
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
Red Dominicana de Varamientos (Spanish)
Richard Henry Dana Elementary School has translated its pages into Spanish.
Science and Technology Museum (This one is located in Venezuela)

National Marine Educators Association

Oceanography on the NET, Scripps Institute--GREAT!!

Tide Pool in Massachusetts-Information and Activities

U. of Helsinki, Finland - Wealth of information and images.

University of Rhode Island,Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO)

University of Rhode Island, Pell Marine Science Library located on the Narragansett Bay Campus.

Whales: Thematic Web Unit: Very nice unit and information.

WhaleTimes Seabed: Information and interactive.

Whale Watch Affiliates with Educational Programs

Dophin Fleet--Weekly Sighting Update
Hyannis Whale Watcher

Commercial Suppliers of Materials used in WhaleNet Activities and synthetic marine mammal teeth and skulls.



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