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                            How to use editor commands
 sample_command             Sample command

 character_left             Move cursor one space left
 character_right            Move cursor one space right
 character_insert           Insert a character
 character_overtype         Overtype a character
 character_type             Type a character
 character_delete_left      Delete character to left of cursor
 character_delete_right     Delete character to right of cursor
 character_delete_eol       Delete to end of line
 character_tab              Type a tab into document
 string_insert              Insert a string
 string_overtype            Overtype a string
 string_type                Type a string
 word_left                  Move a word left
 word_right                 Move a word right
 line_insert                Insert a new line
 line_insert...             Insert a new fold line
 line_insert:::             Insert a new virtual fold line
 line_delete                Delete a line
 line_yank                  Copy line to deleted item stack
 line_up                    Move up a line
 line_down                  Move down a line
 line_start                 Move to start of line
 line_end                   Move to end of line
 line_goto                  Goto a given line
 line_split                 Split the current line
 line_trans                 Character translate current line
 line_exec                  Execute current line
 page_up                    Move a page up
 page_down                  Move a page down
 page_scroll_up             Scroll the screen up
 page_scroll_down           Scroll the screen down
 search_for                 Search for text
 search_replace             Search and replace
 search_again               Redo last search
 search_bracket             Perform bracket matching
 tag_line                   Tag/Untag line
 tag_error                  Tag buffers from error list
 tag_goto                   Goto next or previous tag
 fold_start                 Move to top of fold
 fold_end                   Move to bottom of fold
 fold_open                  Set open/closed flag of fold
 fold_in                    Enter a fold
 fold_out                   Leave fold to parent
 block_mark_1               Set marker 1
 block_mark_2               Set marker 2
 block_unmark               Remove both markers
 block_to_mark_1            Go to marker 1
 block_to_mark_2            Go to marker 2
 block_fold                 Fold block
 block_unfold               Unfold a fold to give a block
 block_entab                Shift a block right by a tab
 block_detab                Shift a block left by a tab
 block_read                 Read a file to a block
 block_write                Write a block to a file
 block_filter               Pass a block through a DOS command
 block_delete               Delete a block
 block_yank                 Copy marked block to deleted stack
 block_trans                Character translate marked block
 buffer_create              Create a new buffer
 buffer_delete              Delete a buffer
 buffer_select              Select a buffer for editing
 buffer_rename              Rename buffer
 buffer_read                Read in a buffer
 buffer_write               Write out a buffer
 language_create            Create a language definition
 language_delete            Delete a language definition
 language_select            Change the language of the current buffer
 language_rename            Change the name of a language
 setup_visible              Toggle the white space visible flag
 setup_autoindent           Toggle the autoindent flag
 setup_insert               Toggle the insert flag
 setup_tabs                 Modify the tab setting
 key_prefix                 Specify a 'prefix' key
 key_bind                   Bind a key (or keys)
 other_shell                Run subcommand
 other_redraw               Redraw the screen
 other_exit                 Exit the editor
 other_abort                Exit the editor, aborting work
 other_undelete             Recover a deleted item
 other_put                  Copy deleted item
 other_squeeze              Recover some memory
 other_colours              Set user colour preferences
 other_mode                 Set screen mode

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson