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      language name: <string>
      researved comment start: <string>
      reserved comment end: <string>
      match: <string>
      white space visible flag: <yes/no>
      autoindent flag: <yes/no>
      insert mode: <yes/no>
      tab size: <number>
      word seperators: <string>

 AE uses a set of language definitions so that it can deduce how to store
 the folding information in the file without affecting the compilability of
 the file. It does this by inserting comments in the file. If we look at a
 typical "C" language definition :-

      language_create "c" "/*..." "*/" ".*\\.(c|h)" no yes yes 0 "_"

 We can see that :-

      1) The language is called c
      2) "C" comments start with /* and end with */
         The ... is added to ensure real comments are not confused with
         comments added by the editor.
         This assumes that the user never starts a comment with ...
         This has been found to be a reasonable assumption (to date!)
      3) Files *.C and *.H are "C" files. Note that they are specified
         as an extended regular expression and it is in lower case.
         Note also the escaping of the backslashes in the string.
      4) The white space visible flag is initially set off.
      5) The autoindent flag is initially set on.
      6) The insert mode is initially set on.
      7) A tab setting of 0 implies that the tab key gives a real ^I tab.
         The tab setting is displayed at the top right hand corner.
         If a non-zero number is specified, then when the tab key is
         pressed that many spaces are inserted.
      8) The character _ (as well as white space is used to split up words.
         This information is used by word_left and word_right.

 The actual "C" language definition is more comprehensive than this.

See Also: language_delete language_select Regular Expressions
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson