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      width: <number>
      heights: <number>

 This allows the user to specify the size of screen to use.

 On an IBM-PC with CGA under CGA only 25 lines can be used. With EGA 25 and
 43 line modes can be used. With VGA 12, 14, 25, 28 and 50 line modes can be
 used. The widths can be 40 or 80 columns.

 AE now includes support for the extra text modes provided by XGA-2,
 TSENG ET4000, Paradise, VEGA / Video 7, Ahead Systems, ATI, Trident, OAK
 Technologies, VESA, and a USER defined extension. Not all the support has
 been tested (the author only has access to a few cards), but a file
 DOSTH.TXT may be supplied which documents exactly what cards are
 supported, how the support is detected, what modes are provided for each
 card, and the extent of the testing. Therefore 132 column modes are
 possible under DOS.

 With OS/2 things get a little better. AE will run in any mode you can set
 using the OS/2 MODE command. This includes 60x80 mode if VGA is present on
 the system, and 132x25, 132x50 etc. if XGA-2 is present. When running in
 a window, it is possible to have huge numbers of lines, but AE places an
 arbitrary (large) limit on this.

 If unable to initialise the screen in this mode, AE will revert back to the
 previously in force screen size.

 Values of width or height of 0 mean use 'default', which in the case of DOS
 and OS/2, means whatever is currently in force. This behaviour is identical
 to the -w and -h command line arguments.


 In the UNIX and other environments the acceptable screen sizes change
 radically to reflect the machine capabilities.

 Under UNIX, an attempt to set a screen size to anything other than that
 currently in force, will fail.

See Also: other_colours
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson