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      command: <string>

 This command allows you to 'shell-out' and execute another command. This is
 done by invoking COMMAND.COM or other command processor in DOS or CMD.EXE in
 OS/2 and so there must be enough memory for it and the environment variable
 COMSPEC should be set to reflect the position of COMMAND.COM.

 If the editor is invoked with the -r option it is running in 'restricted'
 mode and any attempts to shell-out with this or block_filter will fail.

 eg:  other_shell "dir/w"


 On the UNIX and other environments the commands will vary, and indeed on
 some machines this function may not work at all.

See Also: block_filter
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson