Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Use Shift to Compare Edits in iPhoto '08

In iPhoto '08, while you're editing a photo, press the Shift key to see a "before" view; let it up to see the "after" view. It's much faster and easier than using Undo and Redo.

Visit iPhoto '08: Visual QuickStart Guide



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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First Look at Google Earth for iPhone

Science fiction is here today! Examine the world from your iPhone with the free Google Earth.Show full article

Tablet iPod Rumored on Weak Evidence

Do a couple of comments from Steve Jobs during a rare appearance on Apple's earnings call, coupled with some odd log entries discovered by a search engine, imply that we'll see a tablet-sized iPod soon? Adam regretfully thinks not.Show full article

Importing Video from a FireWire Camcorder to an Aluminum MacBook

The new MacBook no longer includes a FireWire port, which is bad news for owners for MiniDV and HDV camcorders that connect to a computer via FireWire (or i.Link). Here's a possible workaround for getting your footage onto Apple's consumer notebook.Show full article

Adam Running the New York City Marathon

Adam will be entirely offline on November 2nd while hanging out with 40,000 other runners in New York City, racing his first marathon. Follow along online if you like, or if you're in New York, come watch and cheer.Show full article

iPhones, Macs Give Apple a Strong Q4 2008

Apple posted a profit of $1.14 billion on revenue of $7.9 billion during the fourth fiscal quarter of 2008 thanks to increased sales of Macs, iPods, and especially iPhones.Show full article

Android Code Released as Open Source

The day before the first smartphone using Android ships, the alliance behind the operating system put the full source code under open-source licensing.Show full article

Mail Act-On 2 Supercharges Mail Rules

Indev's Mail Act-On has long been a popular add-on to Apple Mail, allowing users to move or copy messages (or apply more complex rules) with a couple of keystrokes. The just-released version 2, a complete rewrite, features better performance, a truly delightful interface, and some exciting extra features that will thrill die-hard Mail users. It's like LaunchBar for your email!Show full article

Take Control News: Make the Most of MobileMe

Now that Apple's MobileMe service has settled down enough that it's possible to write a coherent book about it, we're pleased to announce the release of Joe Kissell's "Take Control of MobileMe," a 112-page ebook that explains all of MobileMe's features. Show full article

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 27-Oct-08

Notable software releases this week include iPhoto 7.1.5, BBEdit 9.0.2, Lightroom 2.1, Adobe Camera Raw 5.1, DiscLabel 5.3, Cocktail 4.2, AirPort Extreme Update 2008-004, Aperture 2.1.2, InDesign CS3 5.0.4 Update, InCopy 5.0.4 Update, and Suitcase Fusion 2.0.Show full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/27-Oct-08

In this week's discussions, readers explore third-party solutions for improving Apple's Mail application, troubleshoot a problem with Mail icons disappearing, track down Word 2008's elusive autocorrect dictionary, examine rumors of a tablet-sized Mac or iPod, and grapple with importing video from a camcorder to the new MacBook.Show full article

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