This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-10-26 at 11:08 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/27-Oct-08

by Jeff Carlson

Mail Act-On 2 Supercharges Mail Rules -- It's becoming clear that some of the best innovation in Mail is coming from developers outside Apple. (2 messages [1])

Autocorrect in Word 2008: where? The location of Word's autocorrect dictionary is discovered. (4 messages [2])

Bizarre Mail icons behavior -- The toolbar icons in Mail disappear for an unexplained reason and then return. Which button is triggering that action? (6 messages [3])

Tablet iPod Rumored on Weak Evidence -- Given the prices of the iPhone, iPod touch, and MacBook, are we likely to see an affordable Apple tablet device that fits a size between handheld and laptop? (1 message [4])

Importing Video from a FireWire Camcorder to an Aluminum MacBook -- A reader explains why using an analog-to-digital converter may not be a good solution. (3 messages [5])
