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Find Photos in iPhoto in the Finder

Looking for the file associated with a photo in iPhoto? In iPhoto, to view a photo's file in the Finder, Control-click it and choose Show File from the contextual menu that appears. You can then drag the file's icon into an Open dialog to upload it to a photo-sharing service, for instance, but whatever you do, don't move or rename that file!

Visit iPhoto '09: Visual QuickStart Guide



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TelePort Details

"Now this is a Macintosh peripheral!" - John Sculley TelePort Modem and TelePort/Fax Modem Global Village Communications 1204 O'Brien Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 415/329-0700 415/329-0755 Customer Support 415/329-0767 Fax America Online: GLOBALVILL AppleLink: GLOBALVILLAG Rating: 8 Penguins out of a possible 10 Summary: -- Introduced in the fall of 1990, the TelePort broke Macintosh convention by being the first peripheral other than a keyboard or pointing device to take advantage of the Apple Desktop BusShow full article

TelePort Capabilities

The coolest Macintosh telecommunications gadget is the TelePort modem from Global Village Communications. Global Village has created a small, unobtrusive modem that doesn't need a power cord and won't even take up one of your serial portsShow full article

Faxing with the TelePort

The TelePort's fax capability is elegant and easy to use. If you purchase the fax version of the TelePort or purchase a fax upgrade later, you receive a TelePort/FAX file to join the TelePort control panel in your System FolderShow full article

TelePort Conclusions

John Sculley, in his keynote speech at the last San Francisco Macworld Expo, held up a TelePort, and announced that it was the most Mac-like Macintosh peripheral he'd ever seenShow full article

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