This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-02-22 at 12:00 p.m.
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Online Books

by Adam C. Engst

Fred Berg writes:

Parts of "The Internet Companion" by Tracey LaQuey and Jeanne C. Ryer, which was reviewed in TidBITS-164, are available via anonymous FTP from <> in the directory: </OBS/The.Internet.Companion./>.

Barry Shein adds:

Further chapters will be released in the future. See the README and COPYRIGHT files in that directory for more details. Direct comments and questions about the book to:

This pioneering effort is a step in bringing together the online electronic and print media, enabling authors to explore new avenues of publishing their works. Comments and inquiries are welcome via email to <>.

Information from:
Fred Berg --
Barry Shein --