This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-01-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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SyQuest 3.5" Units

by Adam C. Engst

SyQuest 3.5" Units -- Daniel Andresen sent this information about SyQuest drives: "I spoke with a SyQuest rep a Macworld Expo, and she confirmed that the 3.5" 105 MB SyQuest units would be out "within ninety days." She said only the IDE version was finished at this time, with the SCSI version to follow. She also refused to speculate on pricing, and was not even willing to say whether it would be cheaper or more expensive than the 5110c's (5.25" SyQuests)."

Information from:
Daniel Andresen -- westmx!dandrese@uunet.UU.NET