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Editing iCal Events in Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard makes looking at event details in iCal easier. In the Leopard version of iCal, you had to double-click an event to reveal only some information in a pop-up box; you then needed to click the Edit button (or press Command-E) to edit an item's information. In Snow Leopard, choose Edit > Show Inspector (or press Command-Option-I) to bring up a floating inspector that provides an editable view of any items selected in your calendar.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Article 1 of 2 in series

TidBITS Troubleshooting Primer, Part 1

There's no point in pretending that problems never happen. Although this may be a typically male viewpoint, life - computer life and life in general - can be seen as nothing but problems ("challenges," "opportunities") and solutionsShow full article

Article 2 of 2 in series

TidBITS Troubleshooting Primer, Part 2

In the first installment of this article, I talked about the basics steps necessary to troubleshoot any problem, including describing the problem, breaking the system apart, asking yourself questions about each part of the system, and finding answers to those questions and tests. But what if, after all that, you still haven't been able to solve the problem? Failure to solve a problem on your own is no cause for surrender, because you usually just don't understand the system well enough to break it into appropriate chunksShow full article

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