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Triple-Click to Select Entire Lines

Everyone knows about double-clicking to select words, but did you know that you can, in most applications, triple-click to select an entire line or paragraph?



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Article 1 of 8 in series

Spinning the Web Part I: Trade-offs and PageSpinner

Watching the Web authoring field change is like watching a volcano-studded island. Sure, you get a few months of calm, but then a spurt of new product releases wreaks havoc on the landscapeShow full article

Article 2 of 8 in series

Spinning the Web Part 2: PageSpinner Meets the Competition

Last week, in TidBITS-384, I wrote about PageSpinner, a $25 shareware HTML editor from Optima Systems. I portrayed PageSpinner as offering a robust range of tagging options in an uncommonly open, helpful settingShow full article

Article 3 of 8 in series

Spinning the Web Part 3: Basic Visual HTML Editing

The first two parts of this series looked at text-based HTML editors, programs that offer a great deal of control over the final product. Such editors force you to deal with HTML tags, a process that bores some, intimidates others, and generally falls outside the Macintosh tradition - most Mac users who monkey with HTML tags take about ten minutes to ask for a program that handles HTML behind the scenesShow full article

Article 4 of 8 in series

Spinning the Web Part 4: CyberStudio

If you read earlier sections of this series (which began in TidBITS-384), you know the ins and outs of text-oriented Web publishing tools as well as low-end visual tools that work much like simple word processorsShow full article

Article 5 of 8 in series

Spinning the Web Part 5: New Frontiers

In recent TidBITS issues, I've been sharing my world view about software that makes Web pages. I started with text editors in TidBITS-384 and continued with visual editors in TidBITS-386Show full article

Article 6 of 8 in series

Spinning the Web Part 6: Linking up with Site Managers

This ever-lengthening article series should be giving you a broad view of what's available for Web publishing tasks. In previous issues, I toured the world of Web publishing from a page-centric viewShow full article

Article 7 of 8 in series

Spinning the Web Part 7: FrontPage, Fusion, and Final Thoughts

Have you ever encountered a Sesame Street book about Grover? The story concerns Grover (a blue-furred monster) who doesn't want you to turn the page, because there is a "monster at the end of the book." Well, we've almost reached the end of this series, and though there's no monster, there are two programs remaining - including one of woolly mammoth proportions. First, a correctionShow full article

Article 8 of 8 in series

HTMLbits: Taking New Software Out for a Spin

The Web has become a fad that just won't stop. And, as the Web recedes into the assumed background of how capable computer users manage and locate information, the tools for creating Web pages continue to diversifyShow full article

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