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View Smart Folder Criteria

Smart Folders, folders that contain the results of a Finder search, typically display without the original search criteria listed. However, you can see the search criteria by selecting Show Search Criteria from the window's Action menu (the gear icon). Additionally, any edits to a smart folder's criteria will automatically be listed the next time you open the folder.

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Sharon Zardetto



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The Mail Must Go Through, Faster

The Mail Must Go Through, Faster -- Bare Bones Software has released version 2.0 of its POP/SMTP email client, Mailsmith (see "Mailsmith 1.5: Lean, Mean Email Machine" in TidBITS-638). In addition to standard email client features, Mailsmith incorporates the key text-handling abilities of Bare Bones's BBEdit, now including PCRE-based regular expression searching. This version offers seamless integration with Michael Tsai's SpamSieve (see "Tools We Use: SpamSieve" in TidBITS-667), PGP, and Apple's Address Book. Interface details and the internal threading and storage implementations have been heavily reworked, resulting in a smooth, fast, reliable, and intuitive user experience. Mailsmith requires Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar or later, and costs $100. This upgrade is free to Mailsmith 1.5 owners; an $80 crossgrade is available. New purchasers can get a free copy of SpamSieve 1.3 if ordered before 30-Jul-03. A 30-day demo is available as a 12.9 MB download. [MAN]

< demo.shtml>


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