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Move to Top Shortcut in iPhone

On an iPhone, flicking all the way back up to the top of a long Web page can be a real drag. Instead, a single tap on the status bar moves you to the top of a page. (The status bar is where the clock is.) This tip also works in other apps, like Mail, Contacts, etc.

Visit Mobile Safari Tips and Tricks

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Official Motorola Library

Official Motorola Library -- In TidBITS-322 we mentioned a PowerPC math library compiled from Motorola's PowerPC SDK. The library was later withdrawn due to licensing concerns and Motorola's intent to release their own version. Though it's a few weeks late, Motorola has indeed released LibMoto, which improves the performance of some floating point math functions on Power Macs. The shared library is available for free (a developers version is also available), although Motorola asks users to register online to download the library. If you don't do extensive number-crunching or graphics work on your Power Mac, you probably won't significant benefit from this library, but some users could see worthwhile performance improvements. I've seen unconfirmed reports of problems using LibMoto with the GeoPort Express Modem and some fax software (surprise!), so be sure to take normal precautions before installing this (or any) system software. [GD]

< sheet/libmoto.html>


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