Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


ChronoSync Secret Menubar Shortcut

For a quick way to run a ChronoSync document without opening it, use the ChronoSync menu in the menubar. Select "Show ChronoSync menu in menubar" in ChronoSync's General Preferences window to activate the menu bar menu. Once activated, you'll see the ChronoSync circling arrows icon in the menu bar, at the top right of your screen.

You can open any scheduled ChronoSync document directly from the menu bar. If you hold down the Option key while selecting a ChronoSync document, the synchronization will run immediately without the ChronoSync document opening.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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We plan to test our ListSTAR-based mailing list for TidBITS in the next week (and we'll be sending the next DealBITS issue out a few days early for testing purposes), so don't worry (and please don't respond) if you get a test message from usShow full article

Expo Expectations

Expo Expectations -- Macworld Expo in Boston begins on Wednesday, 07-Aug-96, and will continue through 10-Aug-96. Adam and I will be attending, but only for two days, so we'll be doing a whirlwind tourShow full article

Internet Explorer 2.1b1

Internet Explorer 2.1b1 -- Microsoft has released its first public beta of Internet Explorer 2.1 for Macintosh. This new release supports Netscape frames (but not floating frames), offers much improved History and Favorites listings, has expanded preferences (including the welcome ability to turn off frames and plug-ins), and comes with built-in support for QuickTime VR moviesShow full article

CyberDog 1.1 Beta

CyberDog 1.1 Beta -- Just in time to fuel the OpenDoc fires at Macworld Expo next week, Apple has released a beta of CyberDog 1.1, this time for both 68K and PowerPC MacsShow full article

PWS now Web for One

PWS now Web for One -- ResNova has renamed its personal Web server mentioned in TidBITS-337 from PWS to Web for One (apparently due to trademark issues), and made a new pre-release version availableShow full article

EvangeList Expands Web Presence

EvangeList Expands Web Presence -- Guy Kawasaki's 30,000-person EvangeList, a high-volume mailing list carrying Apple propaganda for the Macintosh faithful, now has its own full Web site (a number of other Web sites carried selections from EvangeList or provided search tools)Show full article

Spreading Its Wingz

Spreading Its Wingz -- Remember Wingz, that spreadsheet from 1991 that looked like a real competitor to Excel and eventually became Claris Resolve? Wingz is on its way back to the Macintosh, and Investment Intelligence Systems has made a public beta of Wingz 2.1.1b8 available on their Web siteShow full article

The Competition Heats Up for Web Authoring Tools

As the North American summer heats up, so does the competition in the Macintosh Web authoring market. Although Adobe is working hard to release PageMill 2.0 and maintain its lead, the rest of the pack is running close at Adobe's heels, and Adobe may have trouble maintaining the position it won early with PageMill 1.0 Tapestry 2.0, a Web authoring program that will eventually compete directly with the likes of PageMill 2.0, is on track for release this week on 31-Jul-96Show full article

LiveCard Hits the Web

One of the most frequently-posted questions in HyperCard mailing lists and discussion groups has been "How can I publish my HyperCard stack on the Web?" Back in TidBITS-310, Adam and I hinted at a product we'd seen privately at the January Macworld Expo in San Francisco that could do the trick, and the veil has finally been liftedShow full article

Apple's Out In Front with QuickTime 2.5

When Apple introduced QuickTime back in 1991, it was the ultimate in gee-whiz technology. Before QuickTime, no one seriously thought about digital video on the Macintosh: the idea that comparatively lowly Macs could play back digital video even at postage-stamp sizes was considered impossible, and that digital video would become a data type like text or graphics in the minds of most users was unthinkable. But it happenedShow full article

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