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Option-Click in Scroll Bars for Jump Scrolling

In Mac OS X in general, and thus in most native Mac OS X applications, hold down the Option key and click anywhere in a window's scroll bar to jump to that spot (rather than scrolling one screen). If you like this behavior, you can make it the default in the Appearance preference pane. For "Click in the scroll bar to:" select "Jump to here."



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Speed Doubler 1.3

Speed Doubler 1.3 -- Connectix has released Speed Doubler 1.3, a maintenance release containing fixes for Speed Emulator and (particularly) Speed Copy. Speed Copy now has improved overall performance, better response over slow connections (like ARA), compatibility with Asante's NetDoubler, and fixes for a number of other interface problems and bugs (such as a crash involving copying with an open control panel). Connectix recommends all Speed Doubler owners upgrade to version 1.3; updaters are available online for free, or registered users can receive the updater on a floppy for $10. [GD]

Connectix -- 415/571-5195 -- 800/950-5880

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