Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Option-click to Hide Apps Quickly

This trick has been available in the Mac OS for years, but many people still don't know it. If you have too many windows cluttering up your screen, you can hide specific ones easily as you work. When you're in any application, hold down the Option key and click on another app's window, on the Dock, or in the Finder to switch to that other app and simultaneously hide all the windows in the previously current app.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Take Control News/20-Nov-06

"Take Control of Digital TV" Updated for Holiday Season -- We've released a new version of Clark Humphrey's "Take Control of Digital TV," updating information about HDTV programming in the United States, the next-generation DVD format war, and Internet-based video download sites. Although the book has no pre-release details about Apple's promised iTV video device (sorry!), we wanted to make sure anyone considering a digital TV purchase this holiday season had the latest details available. As reader Kathy Berndt told us, "I think everyone who walks into the media section of Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal-Mart, etc. should be given a copy of this book." We haven't figured out how to make that happen while still ensuring that Clark can pay his cable bill, but there's no reason you can't walk in armed with your own copy. This is a free update; if you own the previous version, just click the Check for Updates button on the cover of your copy to download a new version. Print-on-demand setup is underway and should be available soon.


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