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Encrypted Screen Sharing in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, screen sharing in iChat can now be encrypted if both parties sharing a screen have MobileMe accounts and have enabled encryption (iChat > Preferences > Accounts > Security).

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Submit Your Holiday 2006 Gift Ideas

For those of us who publish holiday gift coverage, the approach of Thanksgiving is a warning sign - get started! So, for our traditional holiday gift issue of reader suggestions, scheduled for publication toward the end of the first week in December, please tell us what gifts you're planning to put on your holiday wish list or to present to your loved ones this year. As always, we're collecting ideas in TidBITS Talk, so send your suggestions to or submit them in the TidBITS Talk Web forum, and please use plain text format, not HTML. We've already started threads for specific categories. Please suggest only one product or idea per message, give the reason why you're recommending it, make sure to include a URL or other necessary contact information, and recommend only others' products. If possible, try to suggest products that haven't appeared in previous gift issues; we may drop repetitive suggestions from the issue itself. To refresh your memory on what readers have suggested previously, check out the last three gift issues from 2005, 2004, and 2003 before writing in. Thanks in advance!


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