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Track Changes Dates Reset on Save As in Word 2008

If you regularly use the Save As feature to create new drafts while working in Word 2008, you might notice that with Track Changes enabled, previously time-stamped comments and edits have their times reset to the Save As date and time. Work around this by sticking with your original file, but using Save As (or just File > Duplicate in the Finder) to make backup copies.



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Apple Design Award 2006 Winners

Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) wrapped up this year with the annual Apple Design Award winners, who received not only fame and Mac developer cred, but a special cube award that lights up when touched. (How is this illuminated miracle accomplished? The winners of the 2004 award for best student project didn't merely take theirs apart like any normal person; they peeked inside using a CT scanner and built 3D reconstructed models, of course!)

Congratulations to this year's winners, and we encourage you to visit their Web sites to get a sense of why they were chosen.


MacTech Conference, for IT Pros and Apple developers, is Nov 3-5,
in Los Angeles. The 3-day event is packed with sessions & evening
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