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Oral Folk Tales of Mac History

Oral Folk Tales of Mac History -- Stories of famous Mac people, the reality distortion field, and years of sleeplessness are now available in oral form from Derek Warren. At Macintosh Folklore Radio, Warren is reading the snippets that are part of Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld's that represents part of the book Hertzfeld compiled into Revolution in the Valley. I reviewed that charming, picaresque tale for TidBITS last year (see "Continuous Revolution").

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Warren is performing these episodes under terms of the Creative Commons license that Hertzfeld applied to his writing (though Warren still asked permission). The episodes can be downloaded as podcasts from the iTunes Music Store, too. It's ironic, of course, that a site that purports to tell the true story is called, that a written history is being turned into "oral folklore," and that the voice reading the stories isn't that of the first-person author who wrote them as "folklore." [GF]

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