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Set Password Activation Time in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, you can now set an amount of time after your Mac goes to sleep or engages the screen saver before it requires a password to log back on. In Leopard, the option was simply to require the password or not. Choose among several increments, between 5 seconds and 4 hours, from System Preferences > Security.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Discussing TV on MacNotables

Discussing TV on MacNotables -- Tonya and I spent an enjoyable evening on the MacNotables podcast recently with Andy Ihnatko and Chuck Joiner. A simple listener question about hooking a big screen digital TV to the Mac morphed into a wide-ranging discussion of television, movies, the "distribution revolution," and the logic and illogic of how we acquire and pay for video in today's Internet-enabled world. [ACE]



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