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Mysteriously Moving Margins in Word

In Microsoft Word 2008 (and older versions), if you put your cursor in a paragraph and then move a tab or indent marker in the ruler, the change applies to just that paragraph. If your markers are closely spaced, you may have trouble grabbing the right one, and inadvertently work with tabs when you want to work with indents, or vice-versa. The solution is to hover your mouse over the marker until a yellow tooltip confirms which element you're about to drag.

I recently came to appreciate the importance of waiting for those tooltips: a document mysteriously reset its margins several times while I was under deadline pressure, causing a variety of problems. After several hours of puzzlement, I had my "doh!" moment: I had been dragging a margin marker when I thought I was dragging an indent marker.

When it comes to moving markers in the Word ruler, the moral of the story is always to hover, read, and only then drag.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

PowerPC Interrupt Extension

PowerPC Interrupt Extension -- If you've been seeing inexplicable hangs or momentary freezes on your Power Mac, Apple might have an answer for you in the new PowerPC Interrupt Extension. Drop this in your System Folder, and it fixes one known cause of "long interrupt latencies" - basically, where the computer sits around waiting for something more important to happen. It's difficult to say what specific problems this extension will fix since so many programs can be affected, but reports indicate the extensions fixes formerly-reproducible problems with some games, telecommunications software (including PPP), and audio/video editing tools. This extension requires a Power Macintosh and System 7.5.5. [GD]

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