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Keyboard Shortcuts in Stacks

You aren't limited to using the mouse or trackpad to select items within a stack. Once you've clicked a stack to open it, you can type a letter to jump to the first file starting with that letter, or press either the Tab or arrow keys to move among the stack's contents. Press Return to open the selected item.

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OmniWeb 5.0.1 Fixes Glitches

OmniWeb 5.0.1 Fixes Glitches -- The Omni Group has released OmniWeb 5.0.1, a maintenance update to the alternative Web browser (see "OmniWeb 5.0: the Powerful Web Browser" in TidBITS-472). This version fixes a bug in the History feature, updates the Help files, and corrects a security vulnerability in handling PNG image files. The update is free for registered owners of OmniWeb 5.0, and is a 5.7 MB download. [JLC]



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