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How to Make an iPhone Screenshot

Want to take a screenshot of something on your iPhone or iPod touch? Press the Home button and Power button briefly at the same time, and an image of your screen will be saved to the Photos app (and will sync with iPhoto when you next connect). Don't hold the buttons too long or your device will either power down or reboot.

Submitted by
Angus Wong



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DealBITS Drawing: Autographed Spam Winner

DealBITS Drawing: Autographed Spam Winner -- Although we had only 257 entries in our one-day DealBITS drawing for an autographed can of actual Spam, as announced in last Thursday's extracurricular issue, the competition for that can was hot and heavy, with a number of people begging for special dispensation. But such shenanigans would be against our carefully amended rules, which made for tasty reading, so I'm pleased to congratulate Guy Plunkett III of, whose entry was chosen randomly and who will be receiving a can of Spam, autographed by me. It's worth $2.95 in raw materials, although I wouldn't be surprised if Guy could get $4 or even $5 if he were to auction it on eBay. Unfortunately, our deal with Hormel to provide a discount on Spam by the case fell through, so if you're hankering for some Spam Quesadillas, Spamghetti and Spamballs, or other delicious Spam treats (or even if you just want to break into the cutthroat world of Spam architecture), you'll have to ante up full price on your own. Many thanks to those who entered this special DealBITS drawing, and for those who either didn't win or failed to enter because you thought we were kidding, I hope the devastating disappointment you're undoubtedly experiencing won't prevent you from participating in the future. Who knows, maybe this time next year I'll give away a can of Turkey Spam. [ACE]



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