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Open URLs Quickly from BBEdit

If you're working on a bit of text (HTML or otherwise) in BBEdit, and you see a URL that you'd like to open, the fastest way is to Command-click it. Most BBEdit users probably already know this tip, but if you don't, it's a huge time-saver. (The same trick works in BBEdit's free little brother, TextWrangler.)



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Microsoft says thanks

Microsoft says thanks to the TidBITS and Evangelist readers who took part in the "Mac-likeness" survey mentioned in TidBITS-372. Despite problems with their server, Microsoft collected more than ten times the data it was looking for in a week and a half, and says it received a strong message about what Macintosh users expect from software. Nice job, folks - we'll see if we can convince Microsoft to pass along the survey results. If you didn't get a chance to take the survey, Microsoft has a general feedback area where users can comment on any of their products. [GD]


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