Thoughtful, detailed coverage of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, plus the best-selling Take Control ebooks.


Fill in Gaps in Pear Note

If you ever find yourself zoning out during a meeting or class, only later to realize that you forgot to take notes for 20 minutes, Pear Note makes it easy to fill in those gaps. To do so:

  1. Open your Pear Note document.
  2. Hit play.
  3. Click on the last text you did type to jump to that point in the recording.
  4. Click the lock to unlock the text of the note.
  5. Take notes on the part you missed.

Your new notes will be synced to the recording just as if you'd taken them live with the rest of your notes.

Visit Useful Fruit Software



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 369 Next: TidBITS 371

Java and Shockwave Security

Java and Shockwave Security -- Although mainstream media has been saturated recently with news of security issues in the Windows version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, a different security problem in Sun's Java received comparatively little attentionShow full article

Quicker QuicKeys

Quicker QuicKeys -- CE Software has (finally) released a PowerPC native version of QuicKeys, their powerful tool for assigning keyboard shortcuts and automating tasks (see TidBITS-347)Show full article

Fetch 3.0.3

Fetch 3.0.3 -- Last week, we noted the release of Fetch 3.0.2, which added a Resume Download feature and enhanced Open Transport support. Shortly thereafter, Fetch 3.0.3 emerged, which fixes a View File bug that dropped the first character of the file being viewedShow full article

Apple Computer '97: What's In, What's Out

By now you've all heard about Apple's cold turkey diet regime for cutting costs in an effort to return to profitability in 1997. Let's take a quick look at what was cut, what's on life support, and what survivedShow full article

Digital Chisel: An Elegant Eye-Opener

Digital Chisel HTML 2.1.3, affectionately known as "the Chisel," comes from Pierian Springs Software, and it's used by teachers and students to devise snazzy multimedia presentations, tutorials, and even testsShow full article

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