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Open Recent Office 2008 Docs by Date

Office 2008 applications like Word and Excel now list recently opened documents on a File > Open Recent submenu. Choose More from that menu, and you'll get a multifunction Project Gallery dialog. Click the Recent button at the top and then select a date range in the Dates list to find files that were last opened today, yesterday, earlier in the week, last week, and so forth. (The Settings pane in the Project Gallery dialog lets you set how many recently opened files show in the File > Open Recent submenu.)



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

EvangeList Returns

EvangeList Returns -- The folks at SemperMac, a Web-based Macintosh magazine and portal site, have resurrected Guy Kawasaki's popular EvangeList, which had been discontinued in April of 1999. The EvangeList, a mouse-thumping list if ever there was one, was known for its good-news stories about the Mac, requests for help in arguing for the Mac, Macintosh-oriented job postings, and (most controversially) its calls to "educate" misinformed mainstream press journalists who had written incorrect information about Apple or the Mac. Although Guy is no longer involved with EvangeList, concentrating his efforts instead on, he gave the SemperMac folks permission to use the EvangeList name. If you were subscribed to the original EvangeList, you'll have to resubscribe on the new EvangeList pages. [ACE]

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