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Option-Click in Scroll Bars for Jump Scrolling

In Mac OS X in general, and thus in most native Mac OS X applications, hold down the Option key and click anywhere in a window's scroll bar to jump to that spot (rather than scrolling one screen). If you like this behavior, you can make it the default in the Appearance preference pane. For "Click in the scroll bar to:" select "Jump to here."



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

VST Ignites FireWire with New Drives

VST Ignites FireWire with New Drives -- Need more hard disk space, but don't have a free outlet to plug in a new hard drive's power cord? If you own a FireWire-equipped Power Macintosh G3, you can now purchase FireWire drives from VST Technologies. Powered via the FireWire port, the new 2 GB, 4 GB, and 6 GB drives require no external power supply (unless two or more drives exist on the same chain; an optional AC adapter is available) and feature data transfer rates of up to 400 Mbps. Long-time owners of SCSI hard drives will envy the fact that FireWire drives require no device ID number or termination, and support hot plugging and unplugging. VST is currently shipping the drives, which sell for $300, $400, or $500 depending on the drive's capacity. [JLC]

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