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Stylin' a Word Comment Balloon

If you work with Word's Comment feature, you may find that the comment-balloon text is too small to work with, or you may just want some variety. To modify the style, choose Format > Style. From the List pop-up menu, choose All Styles. Select Balloon Text from the Style list. Modify the style as you like, and then click Apply. I like Arial Narrow, 12 point.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

New Look for DeBabelizer 3

New Look for DeBabelizer 3 -- If you think interfaces aren't important, consider Equilibrium's graphics utility DeBabelizer. Unquestionably one of the most powerful programs for opening, converting, and manipulating image files, older versions have been hampered by a confusing and intimidating user interface. The release of DeBabelizer 3, however, brings a more understandable interface and new features, including full support for CMYK images (using Apple's ColorSync technology), drag & drop batch processing, and sensible scripting that doesn't require sophisticated programming skills. The suggested retail price for DeBabelizer 3 is $599.95; owners of DeBabelizer Toolbox can upgrade for $149.95; owners who purchased DeBabelizer Toolbox 1.6.5 after 06-Jan-98 can upgrade for free by calling 800/524-8651. [JLC]



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