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Schedule Fetch to Work Automatically

Although Fetch doesn't have a built-in scheduler, you can use iCal along with Fetch's Mirror command or Automator support to automatically upload or download files at a specified time. To find out how...

Visit Scheduling automatic transfers with iCal



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

ITU Delivers 56K Modem Accord

ITU Delivers 56K Modem Accord -- After months of watching manufacturers fight for dominance in the 56K modem arena, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has established a standard for 56K modem technologies. (See "Speed Jockeys on the Internet: Flying at 56K" in NetBITS-008 for a discussion of how 56K modems work.) Designated V.90, the standard incorporates aspects of the two principal 56K technologies (K56Flex and X2), and will hopefully reduce confusion surrounding 56K technology. Most major modem manufacturers will offer V.90 upgrades for current 56K modems; check out the Web site for specific information.

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