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Use Shift to Compare Edits in iPhoto '08

In iPhoto '08, while you're editing a photo, press the Shift key to see a "before" view; let it up to see the "after" view. It's much faster and easier than using Undo and Redo.

Visit iPhoto '08: Visual QuickStart Guide



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

FTP Snatching

FTP Snatching -- In response to our FAQtoid that mentioned how spammers might capture your email address when you visit a Web page, Peter N Lewis <> noted a sneaky technique involving FTP:

Another way I've heard to snatch an email address when visiting a Web page is by coding an inline image with an FTP URL. The browser then automatically FTPs the file for you to show you the image - but when it anonymously FTPs the file, the browser typically uses your email address as the password (as anonymous FTP should - sending your email address is taken as a signature to abide by the usage guidelines). Thus an unscrupulous FTP server (or Web server using the anonymous FTP inline image) can capture your email address as well.


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