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Find Next Without Using the Find Dialog in Word 2008

Rarely do you want to find just one instance of a word or phrase in Word. Instead of trying to keep Word 2008's Find and Replace dialog showing while searching, which can be awkward on a small screen, try the Next Find control. After you've found the term you're looking for once, click the downward-pointing double arrow button at the bottom of the vertical scroll bar to find the next instance of your search term. The upward-pointing double arrow finds the previous instance, which is way easier than switching to Current Document Up in the expanded Find and Replace dialog.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Stairways Lists Lost

Stairways Lists Lost -- Stairways Software, Peter Lewis's shareware company, runs a number of mailing lists for their products and related issues. Unfortunately, computer problems last weekend destroyed both the current subscriber lists and the backups, so if you were on one of Stairways lists, including the lists for Anarchie, Apple Guide, Greebles, Internet Config, MacLabManager, NetPresenz, Open Transport, or RumorMill, you'll need to resubscribe - check the Web page below for addresses. [ACE]



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