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View Extra Audio Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-clicking the Volume icon in the menu bar displays a list of sound input and output devices. Choose one to switch to it; it's much easier than using the Sound preference pane. Also, hold Shift and click the icon to set the system volume, which is separate from the general output volume.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Apple Takes Steps to Increase Sales

Two recent announcements show Apple taking steps to improve sales. Yesterday, an Apple press release noted that Apple has increased its emphasis on two of its U.S. distributors: Ingram Micro and Micro Age. (Detailed coverage in the San Jose Mercury News notes that Apple has also significantly decreased commitments to three other U.S. distributors.) We can only speculate on the behind-the-scenes negotiations that went on, but the upshot may be better inventory management, a problem that has plagued Apple for years. The second announcement particularly interests us. CompUSA has agreed to set up special Apple areas in its superstores to showcase Apple's new Think Different campaign. CompUSA plans to outfit forty stores in time for the holiday shopping rush and phase in remaining stores later. Given the negative coverage we published in TidBITS 368 and TidBITS 369 about Mac sales in superstores, we're pleased to see efforts to improve the situation and hope that CompUSA sales people are given attractive incentives to sell Apple products.


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