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Trying to reach

Trying to reach the digitalNation FirstClass server (see TidBITS-262) via the Internet? Those not familiar with FirstClass may find some additional details helpful. Our article specified that you must use port 3004 on IP address <> when trying to open a connection with the FirstClass Client software, but didn't go into further details. After you enter "" (without the quotes) in the Server field and choose TCP-IP.FCP from the Connect Via pop-up menu, click the Setup button next to that pop-up menu, then click the triangle next to Advanced Settings to reveal extra options. Enter "3004" (without the quotes) in the TCP Port field, then click the Save button. You should also make certain that the userid you've selected is going to be unique: if you try to connect with a userid that happens to be in use, you won't be able to register as a new user. [MHA]


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