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iMovie '09: Speed Clips up to 2,000%

iMovie '09 brings back the capability to speed up or slow down clips, which went missing in iMovie '08. Select a clip and bring up the Clip Inspector by double-clicking the clip, clicking the Inspector button on the toolbar, or pressing the I key. Just as with its last appearance in iMovie HD 6, you can move a slider to make the video play back slower or faster (indicated by a turtle or hare icon).

You can also enter a value into the text field to the right of the slider, and this is where things get interesting. You're not limited to the tick mark values on the slider, so you can set the speed to be 118% of normal if you want. The field below that tells you the clip's changed duration.

But you can also exceed the boundaries of the speed slider. Enter any number between 5% and 2000%, then click Done.

Visit iMovie '09 Visual QuickStart Guide



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

iPhone Developer License Points to New Devices?

As developers went to download the new iPad SDK last week (see "The iPad Arrives," 27 January 2010), they were asked by the iPhone Developer site to agree to a new version of the iPhone Developer License Agreement. Curious as to what the changes were, we compared the new and old versions.

Along with some tweaking of legal mumbo-jumbo, Apple changed one significant definition and added another. Previously, the agreement used the term "Apple OS" to describe "the iPhone operating system software." Apple has now switched to using "iPhone OS," and more tellingly, has stopped referring to the iPhone and iPod touch specifically. Instead, the license relies on the new term "iPhone OS Product," defining that as "an Apple-branded product that runs the iPhone OS."

Though this may seem like a minor point, it has long been a sore spot for authors who have either had to write out "iPhone and iPod touch" regularly in books and articles, or assume that readers will understand "iPhone" to mean both the iPhone and the iPod touch. The addition of the iPad to the line means that the previously awkward full description of what some app runs on, for instance, would have to become the even more awkward comma-delimited phrase, "iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad." Try saying that five times fast.

For legal purposes then, Apple has switched to "iPhone OS Products" to describe all three, which also ensures that the license agreement will support any future devices running the iPhone OS. And those of us writing about the field can now use the less formal "iPhone OS devices" when we mean any of the three, though I suspect "iPhone" will remain the shorthand version for headlines and when the full phrase feels clumsy. (A similar change happened years ago when the release of new devices from Palm forced us to switch from "PalmPilot" to "Palm OS handhelds.")

But could this seemingly minor change in terminology foreshadow a more significant sea change in Apple's product line? To those of us watching Apple closely over the last 25 years, it seems clear that these iPhone OS devices are really what Steve Jobs has always wanted a computer to be, ever since the early days of the Macintosh. While still acknowledging that Apple can't provide every piece of functionality on its own, the iPhone OS devices are as close to appliances as you can get, and far more so than Macs.

After all, iPhone OS devices are closed systems that insulate users from the complexity of a highly capable operating system. While their ease-of-use is arguable (the multitouch interface isn't hard, but its gestures are still virtual representations of what we would actually do with real-world objects), the fact that users manipulate onscreen objects directly seems like something Jobs would have wanted from the beginning, if it had been possible. Plus, although I doubt the Steve Jobs of 1984 had the iTunes Store in mind, the idea of an integrated marketplace controlled (and taxed) by Apple has to have huge appeal to the Jobs of today. And finally, in today's world, a closed system offers an attractive solution to the ever-increasing problem of digital security, particularly for less-experienced users.

I'm not suggesting that Apple will stop paying attention to the Mac side of the business - after all, it still accounted for $4.45 billion in revenue last quarter (see "Apple Reports Record Sales and Profits for Q1 2010," 25 January 2010). But I am suggesting that in the coming years, we will see more iPhone OS-based devices that tread into ground previously occupied by laptop and desktop computers. The availability of the iWork suite - Keynote, Pages, and Numbers - for the iPad is the first significant acknowledgement from Apple that an iPhone OS device could take the place of a Mac, and I expect that trend to continue.

With the iPad as a model, is it that hard to imagine an "iDesk" that's the size and orientation of a drafting table, complete with advances to the iPhone OS that make it possible to work in multiple apps simultaneously? Such a device would provide users the same kinds of functionality as a modern day Macintosh, but with the direct manipulation of the iPhone OS's multitouch interface and integrated extensions made possible by the App Store. Obviously, it would have to stand on its own, rather than syncing to a Mac or PC, but it would still be part of a larger iPhone OS-device ecosystem, where you would have access to exactly the same data and (barring screen size limitations) apps on the iPhone in your pocket and the iPad on your nightstand or in your briefcase.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't going to happen in the next year, but I think it's where computing is going in the next ten years.


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Comments about iPhone Developer License Points to New Devices?

David Weintraub2010-01-28 09:12
I see Mac OS X and the iPhone OS being merged. The idea of a desktop with trashcan and manually manipulating files has never really worked. Users are still confused by it.

Apple and Microsoft have tried all sorts of ways of getting around it. MS hides their system application folder and the location of the user's HOME folder by default in the Window's file browser. They also have libraries. Apple has tried to get Spotlight as a new way of working with files, but the Finder and its desktop still reigns.

I can see the iPhone desktop coming into its own. The location of applications is no longer important. Instead, you use the application browser to find what you want to do. I can see a similar "document" browser too.

Microsoft has tried to eliminate the menus that have plagued us since the original Mac. They were convenient at first, but now have their own complexity. Now, Apple has a stab at a real program without a menuing system. If it works, we'll see it on the Macs too.
Adam Engst2010-01-28 10:10
I think you're spot on as far as why we won't see a touch interface for Mac OS X - it's just too clumsy. It takes the desktop metaphor too far, and the desktop metaphor itself is long in the tooth - people don't work in 1950s-style offices any more.

Obviously, the iPhone OS will have to evolve for this to work, but that's clearly happening already.
Jeff Porten2010-01-28 19:45
I can see a touch interface being added to the existing Mac OS; multitouch is just too damned useful. Make a MacBook where the screen detaches into an iPad, then reattaches for standard laptop usage, and you won't be able to call that anything but "insanely great". But I'd expect to see touchscreens integrated into Macs for a few years before something like that came along.

You think this is going in the direction of the Surface? Granted, Apple could make Surface work. But I think Moore's Law runs into problems when scaling to large objects.
Adam Engst2010-01-29 07:24
We've sort of seen the start of this with trackpad gestures, but I fear that too much of the Mac interface is designed around very small pointers, and having your hands over things would obscure them.

I'm sure Apple has all this stuff mocked up internally, and is trying to figure out what's usable and what will just flummox people.

It's also worth pointing out that for this to work, the screens have to be quite special - not only capacitive touch-sensitive, but also with the oleophobic coating that prevents finger oils from crudding up the surface and making it hard to read.
Tom Gewecke2010-01-29 11:17
I'm surprised that Apple has not already added the touch interface to OS X. Having played around a bit with an HP Touchsmart PC, I found it easy to see how useful that can be and how easily Apple could do a much better job than HP/MS.
Tom Gewecke2010-01-29 15:18
Great article, Adam. Your points regarding the "closed" system model and its future are right on the mark I think. It's a bit ironic to see Apple exploiting this so successfully at the same time as MS is forced to do things like offer 12 browser options with Windows in the EU.
Apple will always have some sort of investment in macs since you can't develop for iPhone OS devices on iPhone OS devices. I doubt that will ever change. Developers are like hot rod enthusiasts--they want to get under the hood. Frankly, it's just hard to imagine developing for an iphone on an iphone, or even for an ipad on an ipad, but Apple could prove me wrong.
Adam Engst2010-02-18 07:26
Or, there's always the iSlab. :-)

(A pretty funny parody video.)