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QuickDNS Pro 1.1 Released

QuickDNS Pro 1.1 Released -- Men & Mice of Reykjavik, Iceland has released QuickDNS Pro 1.1, which brings a fully-featured domain name server to the Macintosh. QuickDNS Pro 1.1 can provide primary, secondary, and recursive name service, and it includes a scriptable domain editor that eases setup and administration of domain name information. Also important is QuickDNS's support for round-robin DNS, which helps distribute load between a number of servers. Round-robin DNS is generally used to make several Macs running Web servers appear to be a single server, thus transparently distributing the traffic among them. QuickDNS Pro 1.1 costs $295 (upgrades from 1.0 are free) and you can download a 14-day evaluation copy from the URL below. Men & Mice -- (+354) 525 4938 -- (+354) 525 4991 (fax) -- <> [ACE]



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