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Mighty Mouse as Application Switcher

Looking for an easier way to switch between multiple applications? Within Keyboard and Mouse Preferences under System Preferences, you can configure the scroll wheel to act as an Application Switcher. Press the scroll button to bring up Application Switcher, scroll to toggle to the application you want, and hit the scroll button again to switch. You can also double-click the scroll button to quickly switch to the previously active application.

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Microsoft Office 2008 12.2.1 Opens XML Office Docs Again

Not much to say about this one. With Microsoft Office 2008 Service Pack 2, a bug was introduced that prevented all the Office applications from opening some of Microsoft's Open XML documents, templates, and macro-enabled documents and templates (see "Microsoft Releases Office 2008 Service Pack 2," 2009-07-20). Several commenters on our article about Service Pack 2 had the problem, though all the .docx and .xlsx documents on my Mac seemed to open fine.

Microsoft has now released the Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.2.1 Update to fix this problem. In my initial testing, it was still able to open the Open XML documents - if you weren't seeing any problems before, it's probably not essential that you upgrade immediately. The update is a 23.8 MB download, and is available from Microsoft's Web site or by choosing Check for Updates from the Help menu of any Office 2008 application.


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Comments about Microsoft Office 2008 12.2.1 Opens XML Office Docs Again

I couldn't even open the update. It would hang while checking drives for the Office apps. I had to go into Activity Moniter to kill it.
Chris Parker2009-08-10 17:55
It doesn't work for me either. It says there are no applications to update...
Same here. I even tried putting the stupid update app in the same folder as the MS apps and it failed. OTOH, Pages seems to open the docx files fine, so I set the wife's machine to open with Pages.
John Baxter2009-08-10 20:57
It installed fine on both computers where I have Office 2008.
I have some older Word documents with embedded graphics (scanned) with a file date of 1995. They were probably created in Word 5.1. Office 2008 cannot display or print the graphics. The graphics appear as blank white space, or empty boxes when selected. Dragged clippings can't be displayed from other applications such as GraphicConverter.

All was fine in Office 2004 and earlier.