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Expose Shortcut for View All Windows

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, press the Tab key to view all windows belonging to one application (equivalent to pressing F10 or Control-F3 on recent laptops). Press Tab again to switch between applications while remaining in Expose. You can also click an icon in the dock.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

ExtraBITS for 15-Jun-09

No More Prepaid GoPhone Plans for the iPhone -- According to a TUAW article by Erica Sadun, anyone using AT&T's prepaid GoPhone plan to avoid the 2-year contract will be forced to switch to a normal contract to maintain 3G data access. It's unclear how many iPhone users have jumped through the necessary hoops to use a GoPhone plan, but if you're among that group, you might want to upgrade to an iPhone 3G S just so there's some upside to being forced into a 2-year contract. (Posted 2009-06-15)

Adam Recaps WWDC in a Cowtown MUG Video Chat -- In this three-part MacNotables video podcast, Adam and host Chuck Joiner talk with the members of the Cowtown Macintosh User Group in Fort Worth, Texas, about Apple's announcements at the Worldwide Developers Conference. (It's in three parts to make the downloads more manageable.) (Posted 2009-06-15)

Apple's WWDC App Wall -- Why should I have gone to WWDC when I was able to get all the news from home? To check out Apple's wildly cool App Wall in person! TechCrunch has posted some pictures and video of the pulsating wall of apps - a four-by-five grid of 30-inch Cinema Displays jam-packed with iPhone app icons. Each time an app was purchased in the store, its icon pulsed on the wall. (Posted 2009-06-12)

Glenn and Adam Discuss AirPort Networking on MacVoices -- Listen in as Glenn Fleishman and Adam Engst chat with MacVoices host Chuck Joiner about both the latest developments with Apple's AirPort wireless networking devices and what's new in the world of Wi-Fi security. (Posted 2009-06-12)

Adam Talks Through WWDC News on Your Mac Life -- Tune in to this week's Your Mac Life show to listen to Adam and host Shawn King talk through all of what went down at the Worldwide Developers Conference. And yes, the Twitter hype is real - Shawn did get Adam to swear on the air. (Posted 2009-06-11)

iPhone 3G S Specs Revealed -- Wired is reporting that T-Mobile (in the Netherlands) has let the cat out of the bag with regard to the technical specs of the iPhone 3G S. Apple has been keeping the exact details of the new phone's chipset under wraps, but now we know the deal: 256 MB of RAM for the OS, twice that of the original iPhone, and a 600 MHz processor, up from 412 MHz. (Posted 2009-06-11)

Apple's WWDC Keynote Video Now Available -- By now you've probably read oodles of reports about Apple's keynote presentation at this year's Worldwide Developers Conference. But if you want to see how it all went down, or want to watch the many iPhone OS 3.0 app demos, Apple has posted a QuickTime video of the presentation. (Posted 2009-06-09)


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