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Springy Dock Tricks

If you drag a file and hover over Dock icons, various useful things happen which are similar to Finder springing. If it's a window, the window un-minimizes from the Dock. If it's a stack, the corresponding folder in the Finder opens. If it's the Finder, it brings the Finder to the foreground and opens a window if one doesn't exist already. But the coolest (and most hidden) springing trick is if you hover over an application and press the Space bar, the application comes to the foreground. This is great for things like grabbing a file from somewhere to drop into a Mail composition window that's otherwise hidden. Grab the file you want, hover over the Mail icon, press the Space bar, and Mail comes to the front for you to drop the file into the compose window. Be sure that Spring-Loaded Folders and Windows is enabled in the Finder Preferences window.

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DealBITS Drawing: BeLight Software's Disc Cover

The Ukrainian Mac development firm BeLight Software continues to extend their flock of special purpose publishing programs, adding the CD/DVD labeling software Disc Cover to the collection of Business Card Composer, Mail Factory, and Swift Publisher. Like BeLight's other programs, Disc Cover offers a clean interface for arranging text and graphics, this time within the limitations of CD/DVD disc labels (along with jewel case covers, booklets, and even odd items like mini CDs/DVDs, business card CDs/DVDs, and VHS labels). It shows alignment lines as you move objects around, integrates the image editing features from BeLight's free Image Tricks, and offers a slew of backgrounds and other images you can use. There's also full integration with iTunes and iPhoto, plus the capability to pull in MP3 information and pictures from folders in the Finder. And if you're not feeling creative, Disc Cover offers a bunch of pre-designed templates you can customize.


In this week's DealBITS drawing, you can enter to win one of three copies of Disc Cover, each worth $34.95. Entrants who aren't among our lucky winners will receive a discount on Disc Cover, so be sure to enter at the DealBITS page linked below. All information gathered is covered by our comprehensive privacy policy. Be careful with your spam filters, since you must be able to receive email from my address to learn if you've won. Remember too, that if someone you refer to this drawing wins, you'll receive the same prize as a reward for spreading the word.



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