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Teach Fetch New AppleScript Tricks

Want to use AppleScript to get more out of the Fetch FTP client? Try the Fetch 5 Example Scripts collection. You can use any script as provided, use them as a learning tool, or use them as a starting point for your own scripts.

Visit the Fetch download page



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Entourage Gets Exchange Support

Entourage Gets Exchange Support -- In a move to welcome Macs into mixed computing environments, Microsoft has updated Entourage X to work with a Microsoft Exchange Server. In addition to the email and calendar features that Entourage already supports, the update makes it possible to view and schedule Exchange meetings, synchronize your calendar with the server, and look up email addresses in the server's global address list. These improvements are part of a larger Office X 10.1.4 Update, which also provides small updates to address stability issues in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Before you install the latest update, check to make sure you've installed Microsoft's Office X 10.1.2 Update, which grouped together several previous patches and security updates. (Since I had installed those earlier updates, I never bothered to apply the full Office X 10.1.2 Update. However, the installer for the 10.1.4 update wouldn't work until I applied the full 10.1.2 update, a 14.6 MB download.) To further muddy the version number waters, you do not need to install the earlier Office X 10.1.3 Update (which tweaked the Italian Spelling Tool and French Proofing Tools) in order to upgrade to version 10.1.4. The Office X 10.1.4 Update is a free 28.6 MB download. [JLC]

< entouragex/entouragex.aspx? pid=exchangeupdate>


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