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Sleep (and Lock) Your Screen

When you are walking away from your computer, it's fairly common practice to start your screen saver and lock your screen. But did you know that there is a built-in keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X to sleep the screen?

Press Control-Shift-Eject and your monitor sleeps without engaging the screen saver.

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iData Pro X Opportunity

iData Pro X Opportunity -- If you were intrigued by our review of iData Pro X and have been thinking of trying out the software for yourself, now is a good time (see "The Digital Shoebox: iData Pro X 1.0.5" in TidBITS-675). The recent demise of Casady and Greene (which we noted in TidBITS-686) has left iData Pro developer Mike Wright without a sales channel. While working out the details, he has upped the expiration date on the demo version to 31-Dec-03. So if you'd like to try iData Pro X for six months - free - nip over to his site and download the 1 MB demo. [MAN]



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