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Better Text Formatting in iPhoto

If you're creating a card or book in iPhoto, and you're not happy with the formatting options for the text (such as line spacing or justification), copy the text out to TextEdit, make the changes you want there, and paste it back into iPhoto, which will retain your changes.



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Apple Posts $19 Million Q3 Profit

Apple Posts $19 Million Q3 Profit -- Apple Computer announced a $19 million profit for its third fiscal quarter of 2003. The company shipped 771,000 Macs during the three-month period; that's 60,000 more than Apple sold in its previous fiscal quarter. While iMac and iBook sales increased a bit, both PowerBook and Power Macintosh sales dropped (the latter probably in expectation of the not-yet-shipping Power Mac G5 models and the rumored 15-inch aluminum PowerBook G4). Although international sales accounted for only 39 percent of the quarter's revenues and Apple's margin dropped to a still-healthy 27.7 percent, the company still has over $4.5 billion in cash and short term investments, and expects its fourth quarter will bring an increase in both revenue and earnings. [GD]

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