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Use Shift to Compare Edits in iPhoto '08

In iPhoto '08, while you're editing a photo, press the Shift key to see a "before" view; let it up to see the "after" view. It's much faster and easier than using Undo and Redo.

Visit iPhoto '08: Visual QuickStart Guide



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FTP Disk Feature Highlights Interarchy 5.0

FTP Disk Feature Highlights Interarchy 5.0 -- Stairways Software has released Interarchy 5.0, a significant upgrade to their popular Macintosh FTP client application. New to version 5.0 is FTP Disk, a feature which enables access to FTP servers via the Finder as disks on your desktop: Interarchy downloads the specified directory to a local folder on your hard disk, then transparently manages uploads and changes to the remote directory in the background, keeping both the local and remote copies up to date. Interarchy 5.0 is also a unified "Fat Carbon" application, meaning the same application file runs natively under Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, and Mac OS X (so there's no need to hunt around for the version particular to your Mac's operating system). Other new features include enhanced mirroring capabilities, Tunnel via SSH (for Mac OS X only) so FTP usernames and passwords aren't sent unencrypted over the Internet, drag & drop support for browser links, and reorganized menus. Interarchy 5.0 costs $45; upgrades are free for users who purchased Interarchy 4.0 after 25-Jun-01, otherwise, Interarchy 4.0 users can claim a discount using the transaction information from their purchase. A full version of Interarchy 5.0 is available until 01-Oct-01; it's a 3 MB download. [GD]



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