Ranma 1/2 Library Fanfiction Archive, page 2

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Author: Jason and The Argos

A dark piece, in whcih a certain character writes a letter about change, cruelty, and life.


Send all feedback mail to rjdrozd@swbell.net. Please put "Jason - Misuteru" in the subject line.


Author: Kristen Smirnov

"A short slice-of-life work that examines the struggle Akane faces before a typical schoolday."


Visit Kristen's page to read more of her work.



Author: Chris Collins (email: 1clc0772@unixstew.tstc.edu)

(AKANE'S VOICE): After unknowingly asking the right question at the right time, Ranma wakes up and finds himself in Jusenkyo's past, where he becomes the personal bodyguard of a girl who looks exactly like his girl form. Is she the girl who drowned in Nyanniichuan so long ago, and if so, will he be able to protect her from a tyrannical emperor bent on conquering China while keeping her from going near the water? Next on Ranma 1/2, Ranma is forced into a power struggle where he will make some shocking revelations about his past, present, and future in "Nyanniichuan: Very Tragic Story". So stay tuned.


"One of Those Days"

Author: Aisa Valenzuela

It's just an ordinary mother-son talk between Nodoka and Ranma discussing how his day went...then again, how ordinary is a day in Nerima??? Not a day goes by that a person doesn't change into another form, mallets come out of nowhere, and strange people arrive threatening your death... A short, amusing fic that won't take much of your time.....

One of Those Days

Send all feedback mail on Aisa's work to aisav@hotmail.com


"Persona Ranma"

Author: Frank Sanchez

Hey, why not be egotistical and post my own humble work for everyone to read, hm? ^_^

Seriously though...Persona Ranma is my very first Ranma 1/2 Fanfic. It is a crossover between three spheres of influence - the Ranma 1/2 world, the world of the Sony Playstation game Revelations: Persona, and the people of the Ranma ML. So it's a mixed bag. I have desperately tried not to make this some gratuitous self-insertion fic, though I slip sometimes. ^_-

Overall, it's loosely based on the Ranma 1/2-verse, and there isn't much Ranma content in the first few chapters. However, that will soon change. Comments and criticism is appreciated at fsanch@wpo.it.luc.edu.

Oh, and the format is somewhat of a darkfic. Enjoy. ^_^

Persona Ranma - Chapter 1
Persona Ranma - Chapter 2
Persona Ranma - Chapter 3
Persona Ranma - Chapter 4
Persona Ranma - Chapter 5
Persona Ranma - Chapter 6

"Phantom Pearls"

Author: "Bladeforce"

(Description forthcoming, is a work in progress)

Send all feedback mail on Bladeforce's work to bladeforce@geocities.com and Go to Bladeforce's page to read some of his other work.

P.S. - I Love You

Author: Chris Collins

(AKANE'S VOICE: Please Ranma! Why won't you talk to me? I didn't mean to make Ukyou run away! I promise we'll find her! But watch out because somebody's stalking you, and he's picking off the Nerima gang one by one! Next on Ranma 1/2, a familiar foe comes looking for revenge and retribution in P.S. I LOVE YOU. Oh, does anyone remember who he is?

P.S. - I Love You, pt. 1
P.S. - I Love You, pt. 2



"Ranma vs. Doom"

Author: ShadowFyre

This is a Ranma/Doom crossover fic.

Red Tower, Black Tower, Grey Slabs

Author: Luca Signorelli

Years after the wedding of Ranma and Akane, Ukyou and Ryouga attempt the near impossible climb of K2, one of the highest mountains in the world, and in doing so gain insight into themselves and their experiences in the crazy world of Nerima which they had experienced so long ago....

Red Tower, Black Tower, Grey Slabs

Send all feedback mail to Luca at SignorelliL@alma.it

"Reservoir Grrrls"

Author: Bryan Taylor

If you like Quentin Tarantino films, then this one will be a great fic for you to read. Based on the story of the Tarentino film "Reservoir Dogs", this story takes the elements of that great movie and places it in the Ranma-verse, with your favorite Ranma 1/2 females in the key roles. Enjoy..I know I did..^_^

Reservoir Grrrls

Email Bryan at bryanet2@aol.com with C and C and Visit Animania, Bryan's page, to check out more of his work.


"Sands of Time"

Author: Corey Smith

A familiar scenario -- Ranma and company are beset by a gang of martial artists intent on ruining the future of the Tendo school. But after the initial battle is over with, they are faced with a much greater threat -- a man who has no respect for human life, and whom even Happosai is afraid of... and it soon becomes clear that Ranma may finally have met an enemy he cannot defeat. A story that at first looks predictable to both reader and characters, but then becomes something else entirely.

Send all feedback mail on Corey's work to Cylor@hotmail.com

"Sins of the Father"

Author: Lisa Prior

A mysterious young girl shows up at the Tendos' doorstep and challenges Genma, and this time, she's not another one of Ranma's long lost fiancees! Who is Suteko, and why is she after Genma? For that matter, why does she look so much like Ranma in female form? With the ability to wield a staff with surprising agility and skill, and also a talent for disappearing at will, Suteko seems to be a formidable opponent. Can Ranma and Akane find out what's really going on, before Suteko's revenge is exacted on Genma? Keep reading, and you'll find out...

Send all feedback mail to Lisa Prior and visit Suteko's Anime and Art Homepage to find more work by her.

"Super Deformed Gaijin Productions"

Author: (for fics) - whoever
(for MST): Frank Sanchez and Justicar

Myself (Frank Sanchez) and my partner Justicar are currently intending to break into the field of MST'ing Ranma fics. In case you are unaware, MST3K is a TV series on the Sci-fi channel in which a man and his two self-made companions make humourous commentary about movies they are being forced to watch, as the movie is being shown on the screen.

Some have adopted this attitude into the world of anime fanfiction, i.e. grabbing a fic and giving a running, non-offensive, humourous commentary. This is what we are doing with Ranma 1/2 fics. The name of our little "crew" is 'Super Deformed Gaijin Productions' - so named because our "personas" as they appear in fics are super-deformed and also non-Japanese (i.e. gaijin).

Know that we're doing this purely out of comedy and humor, so if accepted, please do not be offended at the commentary that ensues. It's all in good clean fun.

If you have a completed fic that you would like "hit" by Super Deformed Gaijin Productions, don't hesitate to email either me or Justicar with your proposal. Following below is a collection of our work to date. Note that we have attempted permission from all authors before doing their fics.


"The More Things Change"

Author: Rod M.

Ranma chooses Akane! Akane chooses Ranma! Within the span of a day, things seem to be changing drastically in Nerima, with that one important issue cleared up. Life seemed to be settling into an almost normal state.

And then Ryouga got engaged to Shampoo... and then there's that chemical accident with Kodachi... did we mention he's living with Ukyou? And now there's someone from his past with a grudge showing up... does all this sound familiar?

And then there's the sequel to this....(NOTE: UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Please visit -M- Productions' Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Site to read other fanfics...

"Those Eyes"

Author: The RanmaFan

Plot : A piece of Akane's past comes back to haunt her. A piece of Akane's life never revealed before, it just might be the undoing of Ranma's engagement to Akane. However, Mousse has his own personal "secret" with this piece of "history". Read on and find out!

Those Eyes(In Zip format)

(NOTE: This fic is in .zip format, not full text. Make sure you have an unzipping program before downloading and viewing this file.)




"When Past Was Present"

Author: Kiwi Noriega

When Past Was Present is set more than two years after the final chapter and is a what if story about Ranma being Akane's _second_ love. What more, is that when Ranma arrives after a two year journey, a young samurai also comes into the dojo and everyone in the family, especially Akane know him except for Ranma and some others. There is a saying that 'First love never dies' but, 'Love is lovelier the second time around' Read for yourself...

(Work in progress...)

When Past Was Present - Chapter 1
When Past Was Present - Chapter 2
When Past Was Present - Chapter 3
When Past Was Present - Chapter 4
When Past Was Present - Chapter 5

More of Kiwi's work is located at The Anything-Goes Fanfic Page

"Worth Dying For"

Author: Aisa Valenzuela

Ranma's time is up! Nakido Okamoto, Master of Martial Arts Sleeping, is dead set on being the best and nothing's going to get in his way, least of all him. So now Ranma has to train in the Art of Sleeping and be ready to face the ultimate challenge in three days' time. If he's not ready by then, it's good-bye Nerima and Martial Arts!!!

Worth Dying For

Send all feedback mail on Aisa's work to aisav@hotmail.com



"Your Body, My Mind

Author: Aisa Valenzuela

Akane's upset! Ranma keeps on besting her at everything she does and she's not happy with it one bit. She's so frustrated that she goes to bed wishing she were him. But when she wakes up the next morning and finds out that the two of them have switched bodies, she quickly realizes she's bitten off more than she can chew!

Your Body, My Mind

Send all feedback mail on Aisa's work to aisav@hotmail.com


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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez
This page was last updated on September 3, 1998