>Operation: Nabiki
>Author: "Christopher Angel"
>I don't own these characters, and I don't claim to. I should be flogged for using them without permission.

{SD-Frank}: "Yeah, you'd like to be, wouldn't ya, ya masochist..! ^_^"
[SD Justy]: "Yes! Flog the miscreant!"

> I beg the forgiveness of anyone with
>the power to sue me.

{SD-Frank}: "Crouch of the Wild Tiger?"
[SD Justy]: "The ultimate in defensive maneuvers."

> ***

>Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome played their game of shogi quietly. "Saotome, old friend," Soun began, "do you remember a few months back when my daughter Nabiki mentioned she could...fix...our little... problem?"

{SD-Frank}: "This isn't yaoi, is it? I don't wanna even put down what I just implied from that one..."
[SD Justy]: "Well every since the old lady kicked off, he's had a _little_ problem."

>Genma completed his move and rocked back to look at his old friend. "Why, yes, Tendo, I do. We agreed the cost was too high. What of it?"

[SD Justy]: " I dunno, 7 to 10 bucks per Viagra pill, plus the 50 bucks for the hooker, 7 bucks for bottle o' courage, sounds like a deal."

>"With Nabiki leaving for college in a month,

{SD-Frank}: "Argh! Not again! Why does she always leave?"
[SD Justy]: " I finally see... the authors' feel not worthy enough to pen the Queen's parts. I can no longer blame them."

> this may be our last chance for us to use that...option." He played his piece.

{SD-Frank}: "And thus, Soun's illegitimate child was born nine months later into an orphanage in Nerima...O_o"
[SD Justy]: " Soun didn't use protection."
{SD-Frank}: "There's your lesson of the day, kids..."

>Genma contemplated the board. "She still has enough time?" He played his move and winced as Soun pounced on the error. Soun smiled. "I had her start the operation several months ago."

{SD-Frank}: "Must be a complicated operation for Soun, y'know, with his "problem" and all...but maybe I should stop with the lemony overtones..^_^"
[SD Justy]: " Agreed, we can do comedy without sexual overtones, right?"
{SD-Frank}: *dryly* "Since when has _any_ comedy succeeded without sexual overtones/references?"

>A slow smile grew on Genma's face, and soon the two men were grinning like fools.

{SD-Frank}: "They weren't grinning like fools before?"
[SD Justy]: "Oh man, Soun whipped together another 7000 yen, isn't one paternity suit enough?"

> "Excellent. Soon our families will be joined." He paused as a problem occurred to him. "She has considered the other...impediments?"

{SD-Frank}: "I said I wouldn't imply anything anymore - _you_ read into it if you want, it's right there plain as day..."
[SD Justy]: "Yeah, he did it!" *points to Mr. Angel* "Hey! quit with that halo bit!"
{SD-Frank}: *snicker**trying to hide the horns on his head*

>"Of course. She tells me the first phase should be complete today."

> ***

>Cologne looked in dismay at the Chinese officer in front of her. He was flanked by several members of Japanese police. "[You are Koh Lon of the village of Joketsukozu?]"

{SD-Frank}: "Ooh...Chinese names..must have talent.."
[SD Justy]: " Chinese? That sounds like a Klingon commander. I am Captain Koh Lon of the battlecruiser Taug'th!"
{SD-Frank}: "Cool! When does "Koh Lon" start throwing things at the guy while he reads love poetry?"

> Cologne could only dumbly nod. "[You are here with two more members of your village? A Xiam Pu and a Muu Tse?]"

{SD-Frank}: "He can't bring himself to think that he's coming to arrest people named after hair care products, that's why he's using the Chinese names."
[SD Justy]: " What, no! This is too OOC, Cologne would be drawing blood by now!!"

>Once again, Cologne's only response was a nod. "[Good. You are in this country illegally. You will gather your belongings and return with me to China and your village at once.]"

{SD-Frank}: "And so, the police catch up with Cologne, finally..next thing you know they'll be after Soun for all the property damage his household's caused..."
[SD Justy]: " Bullshit! I WANT blood!!!!"
*SD Justy starts chanting "Blood! Blood!"*
{SD-Frank}: *whispering* "I think SD-Justy watched the TV premiere of 'Mortal Kombat' too many times last night..."

>Cologne cursed under her breath, and turned to Shampoo and Mousse. "[It's over. We must return.]" Mousse nodded, but Shampoo shook her head violently and pulled out a bonbori.

[SD Justy]: "YES!!!!"

> The officers pulled their weapons and took aim. "[SHAMPOO! No! We can not win this one. There is no honor in a meaningless death.]"

{SD-Frank}: "Old clichΘ...thought I'd never see _that_ here.."

>Shampoo dropped her weapon to her side, and let it fall to the floor.

[SD Justy]: " What!!! You all bunch of wimps!!! I want to see brains splattered by Capt. Koh Lon's cudgel!"
{SD-Frank}: "Hey Shampoo, you dropped something."

>"[Yes, great-grandmother.]" She turned around and went to gather her belongings. Mousse looked after her a moment, and then went to do the same.

[SD Justy]: " If I'll not have blood on the screen!!! " *looks to SD Frank*
{SD-Frank}: "Cool! Can I have the Cat Cafe? I can see it now..'SD-Frank's Kitty Restaurant Emporium'..."
[SD Justy]: *stereotypical Chinese accent* " Hah! Fool you!"

>After a few moments, the three Chinese nationals left the Nekohanten, and entered a waiting car. "[If..if I may ask, sir,]" Cologne began, inwardly cringing. *Damn communists! Always demanding respect they haven't earned.*

{SD-Frank}: "Ooh..was this fic written during the Cold War, hmmm..?"
[SD Justy]: " What, you saying yer a Pinko Commie Bastard (tm), Frank???"
{SD-Frank}: "Nah, everyone _else_ is a Pinko Commie Bastard (tm)...."

>"[How did you find us?]"
>"[We received an anonymous letter...]"

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, don't look at me. Ask the members of CASKET if they did it..."
[SD Justy]: " Nope, this looks KTF all the way. "
{SD-Frank}: "Ha! We would have been stupi- I mean, bold enough to _sign_ the letter then! ^_^"

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