>Insignificant Loss Part 1

>Ukyou Kuonji sat at the bar and did her best to drown herself in her drink.

[SD-Justy]: "Unfortunately, she wasn't getting very far seeing that she is far, far bigger than the glass."
{SD-Frank}: "That has to be the fastest I've seen alcohol introduced into a Ranma fic..ever...^_^"

>In her hand she held a potent blend of Tequila, Whiskey and Iced Tea, she had no idea what it was called, but it soothed her sorrows and comforted her soul.

[SD-Justy]: "Mr. Boston doesn't know what that drink is either."
{SD-Frank}: "Martini - shaken, not stirred? ^_^;; Anyway, that Iced Tea definitely does _not_ belong there...not that I'd know...^_^"

>So, Ranma had married Akane, big surprise, everyone knew it would happen. It was expected, almost predestined.

{SD-Frank}: "Yesssssssssss!" <---KTF member

>In a surprising and bold move, Ranma and Akane had run away to elope.

{SD-Frank}: "The Knighthood of the True Fiancee (that's Akane) is proud of this fic already...^_^" <---_Really_ fervent KTF member

> In their own way they were defying their parents wishes and following their hearts. Ukyou could hardly question their choice.

[SD-Justy]: "That drink ain't in the Bartender's Bible either."
{SD-Frank}: "Seems like a _far_ cry from throwing bombs around..O_o"

> Upon their return a few days later there had been a more formal reception to which Ukyou had been invited. She had gone to the reception and had smiled numbly and offered hollow words of congratulations. Throughout the whole affair she bit her lips to keep from crying and kept her eyes firmly trained on the floor.

{SD-Frank}: "Ha! That's nothing! I've trained _my_ eyes to jump through hoops of fire.."
[SD-Justy]: "Yah...well I ... trained my eyes to... umm... explode... yeah..."

>Shampoo had attended, though Cologne and Mousse were noticeably absent. Ukyou thought she heard the same hollowness in Shampoo's voice but kept her thoughts to herself.

[SD-Justy]: "Boy that sounds like one boring reception so far."
{SD-Frank}: "How do you know your voice is hollow, anyway? Wait for an echo?"

>The two of them had exchanged pleasantries and avoided each other's eyes. Ukyou had wondered where Cologne and Mousse were, but before she had a chance to ask, Ranma asked for a single dance.

[SD-Justy]: "A lap dance, that is..."

>Her heart pounding she let him lead her onto the dance floor, where under Akane's watchful eye they had danced slowly, cheek to cheek.

[SD-Justy]: "Akane, the voyeur."
{SD-Frank}: *singing, slightly sharp* "Lady in Reeeedddddd....is dancing with me....cheek to cheek...there's nobody heeerrreee..."

>She held back more tears, and let him lead, a false smile on her face. As the song drew to a close, Ranma kissed her on the forehead, and told her that he would always consider her his friend and that she would always be welcome as a guest.

[SD-Justy]: "Yes! A girl finally recieves the let's be friends line!"
{SD-Frank}: "Ouch. Talk about a dagger..."

>Her heart breaking, Ukyou mumbled assurances that she would stay in touch and always be his friend, before returning to her place along the wall. She noted with some disgust that Ranma repeated the dance with Shampoo.

[SD-Justy]: "Come on... when are they all gonna do The Chicken Dance!"
{SD-Frank}: "You mean cheek to cheek? Does that mean I get to sing again?" *picking up microphone*

>She did not notice Akane approaching from across the room and was subsequently surprised when the newlywed touched her shoulder. Akane had smiled pleasantly and asked her if she was all right. Ukyou merely nodded and went back to her silent vigil.

[SD-Justy]: "And that salted dagger plunges deeper..."

> She had thought to ask Shampoo if she wanted to get together some night but Shampoo had disappeared shortly afterwards. Cologne and Mousse had no idea where the girl had run off.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, weren't they not supposed to be there? What'd they pull?"
[SD-Justy]: "Oohhh.... they were in the CAKE... I get it now... I think..."

>That had been a month ago.

>Since that night, she had yet to say one word to Ranma and he kept his distance, out of pity or respect she was not sure. Though she heard rumors that things between him and his wife were wonderful, perhaps he could not be bothered with a depressed friend.

[SD-Justy]: "Which friend? I'm lost here."
{SD-Frank}: "Yeah, Ranma's probably getting malleted even _more_ these days...and _willingly_, so I he-hey, is this thing on? ^_^;;;"

>But she had not come to this bar to focus on the past. She was here to get piss drunk, like she had last night and the night before.

[SD-Justy]: *bar patrons* "UKYO!!!"
{SD-Frank}: "Sounds like the story for, like, half the bar patrons at my local college's tavern...geez, are there are some depressed drunks there..."

>Thank god it was summer, so her grades would not slip, not that she actually cared about something as trivial as school. She sipped some more of the foul tasting concoction

[SD-Justy]: "Watch what happens as we switch Ukyo's mystery drink for some Funky Cold Medina..."
{SD-Frank}: "See? I told you the Iced Tea ruined the taste of the Tequila...you have to use a bit of lemon, and just the tiniest bit of salt..errrr...ummm..not that I'd know, of course...^_^;;;"
[SD-Justy]: "I still need to name that drink."

> before her and scanned the room. Two young lovers sat in a cozy booth drinking from the same cup.

[SD-Justy]: "What IS that girl's hand doing under the table?"

>She flicked her eyes quickly away. That's when she noticed the handsome man sitting next to her.

{SD-Frank}: *Butthead mode* "Uh huh-huh...hey baby..."

>When he noticed her gaze on him he smiled at her.Quietly, she got up from her seat and made her way to the bathroom. The full effects of the alcohol had not set in yet and she felt very sober.

{SD-Frank}: "Ukyou able to hold her alcohol? Not in _that_ little body, I'd say...I mean..errr...not that I'd kn-"

>Once in the bathroom Ukyou stood in front of the mirror and adjusted the ribbon in her hair, straightened her skirt and made sure she was real.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey Justy....am I real?"
[SD-Justy]: "Since the universe is subjective and not objective, no you are not real, until I say you are."
{SD-Frank}: *Luke Skywalker whiny voice* "But...but..that's not true....that's _impossible_!! Wahhhh!"

>She applied her best makeup and walked back out to the seat next to the handsome man. An idea had formed in her head.

[SD-Justy]: "Ukyo gonna git dat ho action going."
{SD-Frank}: "She be pimpin', dat's right..."

> "Hi," she smiled nervously, "I'm sorry if I was rude, but I wanted to make myself look presentable. My name is Ukyou." The man grinned at her and stylishly slicked back his hair,

{SD-Frank}: "It's Pat Riley!"
[SD-Justy]: *singing* "Rockin' the cradle of love..."

>"I'm Toshi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

{SD-Frank}: *trying to cover up that he was wrong* "It's Pat Riley ...under a falsified name!"

>"I'm sorry if I'm being a bit forward," Ukyou began awkwardly, "but I was wondering if you would like to dance." She indicated the stairs to the second floor where loud music drowned out all other sound.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, if that was true, wouldn't he not be able to hear her?"
[SD-Justy]: "A lot of things are drowning in this fic."

> "Sure," he nodded for emphasis. Toshi took her hand and escorted her upstairs. Ukyou danced recklessly, her mind far away. She let the rhythm of the music carry her body, her eyes closed most of the time. She moved sexually, her body sometimes coming in close contact to his, her breasts brushing against his chest, her crotch on his knees.

[SD-Justy]: "Let the games begin!"
{SD-Frank}: "Well, about time. I had almost started to think this wasn't lemony like the description said after all...^_^"

> He gripped her waist at times and when her back was turned to him he pressed his body close against hers till she could feel his hard sex against her butt. Ukyou had no problem seducing the boy.

[SD-Justy]: "...boy?"
{SD-Frank & Justy}: "Vile Temptress!"

> All the while, she let him lead, allowed him to believe it his choice when their lips first met. Later, as he bought her more drinks, she let him gently rub her breasts.

[SD-Justy]: "And he's safely in at second base..."
{SD-Frank}: "Didn't one of the people on the Ranma Mailing List say something about Ukyou the "Spatula Slut"...? Or did Ted Wang and his raving Ukyou hordes rip him apart? Ah well.."

>He grew bolder as the night wore on until his hands slipped into her skirt and caressed her thighs and her sex.

[SD-Justy]: "Taking a long lead, daring her to pick him off...and he's off."

>Inwardly she railed against him, outwardly she smiled pleasantly as he grew surer of himself.

[SD-Justy]: "Safe at third Holy Cow! Stolen base..."
{SD-Frank}: "All I can think of right now is that movie 'Species'...O_o Ya think Ukyou'll screw 'im, then slice 'im..?"
[SD-Justy]: "Heh... That would make her the Spatula Slut Slayer..."

>He leaned close to her, and Ukyou heard the words she wanted to hear, "Are you ready to come back to my place?"

[SD-Justy]: "Yes! I get to finish the song!"
{SD-Frank}: "No no no! You're _supposed_ to say 'your place or mine?'..!"

>Grinning wildly, Ukyou nodded and let him lead her out of the bar. During the ride to his house he had continued to rub her between her legs until she was wet and aching for penetration. Barely able to control herself...

[SD-Justy]: "Wouldn't it be an anti-climactic climax if she had her world shaking orgasm on the bus?"
{SD-Frank}: "That'd be a letdown for all the hentais reading this thing..."

>until they arrived in his apartment, Ukyou closed her eyes and held her breath. Silently she called the man every foul name she could think of.

{SD-Frank}: *holding the Ye Olde Book of Foul Names* "That's a lot of names..."

>Once they arrived at his place, they quickly retreated upstairs to his apartment where she stripped naked and laid herself on his bed.

{SD-Frank}: "Isn't there such a thing as 'foreplay'?"
[SD-Justy]: "That was the bus trip!"
{SD-Frank}: "Ahhh...."

> "You are beautiful," he commented.

{SD-Frank}: "Well, _duh_, you idiot. I mean, I don't like Ukyou very much, but she _is_ probably cute...^_^"

> "Thank you," Ukyou couldn't care less what he thought of her. She had failed Ranma, and she had failed herself. Maybe in some small way she could bring a bit of happiness to this fool even if the only thing he actually cared about was what lay between her legs.

[SD-Justy]: *singing* "Might as well face it... he's addicted to love."
{SD-Frank}: "Geez...maybe throwing bombs around was a _better_ alternative than this...I hafta admit I feel sorry for her.."

> She just wanted to make someone happy and if she got a small amount of pleasure out of it then so be it, but it was not her goal.The act of penetration was what she ached and longed for.

{SD-Frank}: "Frankly, I've never understood this "aching" thing. "Longed for" I can get, but aching??"
[SD-Justy]: *just looks at Frank* ???
{SD-Frank}: "I mean it's overused. Like the word "throbbing"..."

>For years she had been saving herself for Ranma, but his marriage to Akane had removed any hope she had of him being her first.

[SD-Justy]: "That's faulty logic. He can still be her first. There's gotta be some magic item laying around."
{SD-Frank}: "Spring of Drowned Virgin...??"

>Two weeks after the reception she decided relieve herself of that burden and had masturbated herself to a climax.

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