by Aurora A. Valenzuela


"Dinner's ready, Ranma. Didn't you hear Kasumi calling?" Akane felt grumpy. Shampoo and Ukyo had glomped onto Ranma with more force that day. What's worse, even Kodachi had made an appearance. She looked closely at him. "Ranma, are you OK?" she asked, concerned.
He was squatting on the roof's edge, motionless, a slight breeze ruffling his hair. "Akane," he began in a subdued tone. "There's something in the air. I feel something bad's going to happen. Very soon."
Akane's eyes grew round at the seriousness of the premonition. She shivered, suddenly cold. "Oh, Ranma," she sighed.
The cold wind swirled around them both.

Part one

Ranma was running away from Akane. He had just called her uncute and she'd brought out her hammer. At once, he'd fled. His head still ached from her last whacking ( an hour ago ) and he had no desire to increase it. He looked back. She was still in pursuit with a red battle aura enveloping her. Before he knew it, he was in the forest. As he ran, the trees around him grew thicker and thicker. Out of nowhere, an arrow shot out and pierced the tree nearest him. That made him stop in his tracks.
"What the-" he mumbled. The arrow was pure black. At the tip was pinned a piece of paper which screamed the word challenge. "Hey, who's out there?" he called. "come on out an' show yourself!"
A man stepped out like a shadow from behind a tree. Ranma blinked. The tree trunk wasn't wide enough to hide him.
The man chuckled. "Hello Ranma." He spitted out the syllables mockingly. The stranger had shoulder-length black hair which glistened purple in the afternoon sun. He wore black clothes, resembling a ninja's. Ranma couldn't stop staring at the man's silver eyes.
Ranma took a defensive stance. "You better start talkin' mister," he growled.
The stranger bared his teeth in a smile. "Relax. That challenge is for three days from now. Thought you'd like to prepare yourself before dying."
"Who are you?" Ranma demanded.
"My name is Nakido Okamoto, Master of Martial Arts Sleeping," he said, folding his arms across his chest. "I have come because I have heard you are one of the best. I have come to prove them wrong."
"Martial Arts Sleeping?' Ranma taunted, trying to hide the intimidation he felt. "What the heck is that?"
"Why Ranma Saotome, I am surprised that someone such as yourself is ignorant of my particular art." Akane suddenly appeared, out of breath. ( Apparently, she had had trouble locating them. ) She looked at Nakido warily. "Ranma..." she began.
"So this must be the lovely Akane Tendo," Nakido murmured. He approached as if ready to kiss her hand. "I have heard of your cha-"
Ranma stepped in front of him, blocking his path. His eyes were fierce. "Go back to hearing about her."
"My, my," Nakido drawled, "looks like as if I've hit a soft spot."
"Get out of my sight," Ranma growled, deliberately pronouncing each syllable.
Nakido sneered. "Don't underestimate me. I am nothing like those pathetic juveniles you fight - Hibiki and that Mousse character."
"You talk big but can you fight?" Ranma challenged, simultaneously launching himself into a kick aimed right at Nakido.
Akane gasped. It was as if Ranma's leg had gone right through Nakido. It would take her a long time to realize that Nakido had stepped then snapped back so swiftly that it had looked like he'd never done so. Helplessly, she watched as Nakido reached out to press Ranma's forehead. From a distance, the touch looked feather-light but Ranma was thrown back some ten feet. His back hit a tree trunk and he slid to the ground half-conscious. She ran to his side.
"Spare me the pathetic intimidation tricks!" Nakido suddenly drew out a tall, thin blade. As Akane looked on fearfully, he sliced the air with it in one swift motion. Ranma and Akane both shielded their eyes as a blinding light filled the world around them. Nakido's voice rang out, above it all. "The fight I'm challenging you to is unlike anything you've ever faced. When I win, you must vow never to practice martial arts and set foot in Nerima ever again." The light began to fade. As Ranma and Akane looked dazedly about, Nakido was nowhere to be found.
"He's gone," Ranma mumbled. Something in his tone made Akane glance down at him sharply. Determination was grimly etched onto his features. She'd seen that look about him before and it worried her to no end.

Ranma was inside the dojo, his shoulders hunched and his knees pressed up against his chest. He still felt a little dizzy but he hardly minded that. His mind dwelt on his encounter with Nakido. His reverie was abruptly broken when Genma suddenly came charging in.
"Ranma! Is it true that you've met with Nakido Okamoto?" Genma's face was strangely alit. He looked almost...elated.
"Yeah I did," he replied, taken aback.
"So what Akane said is true! Ranma m'boy, do you know what that means?! If you win over him, you will become the new Master of Martial Arts Sleeping!"
"Fool!" Ranma shouted, hitting him on the head. "I haven't even been trained in Martial Arts Sleeping yet!"
"That's right." Obviously, the idea had just dawned on him. "That might prove to be a problem. On second thought it's an insurmountable problem!" Genma broke into tears.
"Ah, what's the big deal," Ranma drawled. He pushed Genma's head down with his foot. "If that clown Nakido can master it, so can I."
Now it was Genma's turn to hit him on the head and call him fool. "I don't think you fully comprehend the seriousness of the situation." Genma began gesturing about. Ranma knew he was in for one of Genma's overly dramatized stores. "Hear me out, Ranma, and listen closely. Martial Arts Sleeping is the hardest of all skills to master. It requires the honing of martial arts skills to the extent that one can defend oneself while in the most vulnerable position - sleep."
"Well..." Ranma began, for the first time struck speechless. "I still don't believe it'll be all that bad. I mean, it's sleeping, right? Who sleeps better than I do? Besides, doesn't the School of Anything Goes teach it?"
"Sure it does." Genma produced a scroll and handed it to him.
"Anything Goes School of Martial Arts Sleeping," Ranma read. "It is the hardest of all skills to master. It requires the honing of -" Ranma quickly scanned the rest of the scroll. "Wait a minute!" This is all we know about it?!"
"I am afraid so. I am sure that Happosai will be able to train you though."
Just then, Happosai strutted in. He was drinking sake and singing an old Japanese ballad. He tripped and continued singing and drinking.
"That old drunkard is supposed to teach me?" Ranma cried incredulously.
Genma shrugged. "He taught me and look how I turned out."
Ranma managed a groan before face-faulting.

"So you need my help, eh?" Happosai asked, pretending to think long and hard on it.
"Yeah, I do." The words had trouble coming out of his mouth. "So will ya?"
"Will I what?" Happosai said, clearly stalling.
"Will you help me!" Ranma practically shouted out.
"Well if you're going to be that way," Happosai sniffed, pretending to be offended. "You can forget about me-"
Ranma interrupted him. "Look, I'm sorry okay. I-I didn't mean it."
Happosai ignored him, a sulky look on his face.
Ranma looked up at the ceiling, exasperated. "Pleeeaaase."
"Well I might if you-" he drew out a bikini that had so little fabric it hardly qualified as one, "-wore this during our training."
"Why you dirty old man!" Ranma stomped on him repeatedly.
Happosai drew out one of his happodaikarin bombs. Before he was able to fling it however, something drove into his side. Hard. He looked sideways to see Cologne, her stick ready to strike again.
"Don't hit on the boy, Happy," she warned.
Before he could utter a protest, a high-pitched shriek permeated the air.
"Aiyaa!!! Ranma darling, Shampoo here!" the Amazon flung herself at her "darling", clinging to his neck.
"Sh-Sh-Shampoo," Ranma stammered as he tried to disentangle her arms from around him. "If you're here then-"
The wall in front of them began to vibrate, then it shattered. In its place stood a boy with long black hair.
"Mousse is not far behind," Ranma finished with a groan.
"That's odd," Mousse squawked. "I was sure there was a door there." He pulled down his eyeglasses. He spotted the couple in the corner. "So Saotome, forcing yourself on Shampoo, eh?!" His trademark chain weapons sprang out from the depths of his robe.
Ranma jumped neatly away, relieved more than anything else at the attack. It had at least separated Shampoo from him, right?
"Yoohoo! Ranma honey," a bright, cheery voice called out. "I brought you some okonomiyaki. Guess who I picked up on my way here."
Ryoga stepped in, weary from his most his most recent journey. Dust covered him from head to toe. He strode towards Ranma quickly. "Ranma, has Nakido Okamoto challenged you yet?"
Ranma sneezed. "Geez Ryoga, couldn't you have taken a bath first?" Suddenly, the impact of his words hit him. He grabbed Ryoga by the collar. "What do you know about this Nakido character?"
"Hmmm," Ryoga smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know."
Akane appeared. "What's going on here?"
Ranma smiled. He pulled out a flask of water from out of nowhere and made ready to pour it on Ryoga. "Tell me or she knows," he threatened.
Ryoga's eyes filled with panic. His words came flooding out. "He asked me, 'Do you know Ranma Saotome?' and I answered, 'Not exactly a friend.' Then he smiled and said, 'Soon he'll be nothing at all.' Then he disappeared."
"Moron!" Ranma cried. "That ain't gonna help me!"
Akane was at his side in an instant. "How many times do I have to tell you not to bully the weak???" she reprimanded none too gently.
Then Shampoo and Ukyo converged on him, trying to feed him ramen and okonomiyaki respectively. Mousse was running around hugging everything and shouting, "Shampoo, my love!" Happosai and Cologne were arguing about training tactics and possibly something more personal. Ranma's eyes bulged. If he was hearing right, Kuno was outside spouting, "Nabiki Tendo! That is too expensive! Even if they are photographs of Akane and the pig-tailed girl." And then an ear-splitting "ohohohohoho" laugh filled the air.
Ranma opened his mouth to holler his lungs out but before a sound could escape him a familiar voice rang out above the din. "Will everybody go home!!!" All noise in the room ceased as everybody stopped and stared at the speaker. Kasumi stood where the dojo's wall had once stood; her head slightly cocked to one side, her eyes warm and her smile pleasant. "Please," she added gently. Miraculously, everybody began filing out, muttering to themselves. In seconds, the dojo was completely empty except for Ranma and Akane. The two of them and Nabiki gaped at Kasumi wordlessly. "Come inside you three," Kasumi said cheerily, "before dinner gets cold." She turned on her heel and placidly walked towards the house.
The three of them stared at her retreating form open-mouthed. "Oh my," Nabiki deadpanned.

Part two

The day rolled in bright and sunny. Ranma was used to getting up early for his morning workout but today he rose earlier than usual. He had too much on his mind to sleep ( which rarely happens ). He got up and put on his blue pants and red shirt over his shorts and undershirt. He padded out quietly, then wondered why he bothered. Genma slept like a rock. Literally.
He peeked into the kitchen. Kasumi was just beginning to bring out the pans. "Ranma," she said as she spotted him, "you're early today. Breakfast won't be ready for another hour."
"That's OK," he replied, already out the door. Outside, Ranma stood still, taking in the fresh morning air. He decided to go jog; the rhythmic act of running would help clear his head. As he started out, he was surprised to notice a familiar figure ahead of him. Actually, he realized, he shouldn't have been. He knew that Akane went for a morning jog before most of the family was up. He caught up with her and wondered briefly if she'd resent his intrusion. She shot him a startled look but otherwise said nothing.
They jogged on companionably. Each was afraid to break the silence. Words had always been their enemy. When they spoke, it almost always ended in an argument. So they just jogged, side by side, and thought it better than any conversation because they understood each other. After awhile, they turned around and headed back home.
Soun and Genma were standing in the doorway, chatting, but presumably waiting for them as well. Genma broke away from Soun as soon as he spotted Ranma. He steered him in the direction of the backyard. "So did you sleep well? he asked, laughing at his own stupid joke. A few minutes later, a splash was heard. Akane rolled her eyes in disgust.
After saying "good morning" to her father, she let herself in through the front door. She changed her clothes and then went down to breakfast. A soaking wet panda and Ranma-chan were already seated at the table. "Eww," Akane grimaced as she sat down next to her. "Couldn't you have changed your clothes first?"
Ranma indignantly replied, "Well excuse me! I don't recall anyone asking for your opinion."
"It's not an opinion it's a well-known fact!" Akane heatedly shot back. She gestured to the panda. "At least Mr. Saotome doesn't need to worry about such things. Girls do."
"I am not a girl!!!" Ranma thundered. It was obvious that she was going to say more but Genma chose to rise and drag her, kicking and screaming, to the dojo. "What are you-" a splash of hot water drenched her. The now male Ranma sputtered, "What the heck did you do that for?!" Belatedly he realized that Genma was still in panda form. He looked around and almost did a double take when he saw Happosai and Cologne glaring at him with identical expressions.
We must begin training at once," Happosai intoned.
"Yes we must," Cologne confirmed.
The two of them began to advance on him threateningly.
"Whoa, whoa," Ranma protested, "wait a minute. Why are you here?" he addressed Cologne. "I mean, it's Happosai's duty to teach me but you, you don't owe me nothing."
Cologne laughed shortly. "I can't let you marry Shampoo if you lose, sonny boy."
"Oh I get it." Ranma nodded. He raised his eyes to the ceiling, a martyred look on his face. "Let's just get this over with."

"Let me get this straight. You shoot darts at my back and I have to catch them before they hit me?" Ranma asked.
"Yes, and you have to shoot them at that dartboard over there," Cologne answered. "Bulls-eye of course."
Ranma began chuckling softly.
"What's the matter?" Cologne inquired.
"Nothing," he replied. "This is just the craziest training technique I ever heard of, that's all!!!"
"Stop whining," Happosai scolded. "I bet that Nakido boy could do it with his eyes closed."
Ranma's eyes grew very big and his nostrils flared. "Then I'll do it with my eyes closed!!!" he cried, blowing up at the underwear thief. He angrily turned his back to the two then drew out a white handkerchief from his righthand pocket. He tied the handkerchief over his eyes and said, clenching his teeth, "I'm ready when you are."
Happosai and Cologne exchanged skeptical glances. Both grabbed a fistful of darts and let fly.
Ranma felt the hairs on his neck rise as the darts came flying at him. His rigorous training made him visualize the darts in his head. Swiftly, he turned around and reached out - just as pain exploded in various parts of his body. Before he fell face down, feet up in the air, he remembered wondering why darts that weren't sharp enough that they bounced off his body hurt so much. He clutched the darts he'd been able to grab - a grand total of...two. He jumped up, angry at himself for performing so poorly. "OK," he shouted, "I'm re-" more darts pierced his skin. He fell backward, his eyes crossed and his tongue lolling out. "Hmmmm..." he heard Happosai and Cologne grunt. He'd get them for that, he vowed. But maybe just a little later...was his last thought before his eyes closed.

Akane was beginning to grow worried. Not personally, of course; but the natural concern one would feel for a suffering fellow being, she convinced herself. After all, she'd been watching the exercise silently now for two hours and the best Ranma had managed to do was grab half of the darts and throw them at the opposite side of the room. She was just wondering how much more he could take. Cologne had said that all the darts did was prick him but she wasn't so sure. She got up, furious with him all of a sudden, and started walking towards the house. He just didn't know how to walk away from a challenge. Deep in his heart he was probably even glad that Nakido had come along. Now there was something to fill his days.
Akane lifted her face and squinted against the sunlight that managed to filter through the trees. She still had to admit that she didn't really believe Ranma could lose. He'd always won, one way or the other, against any difficulty he faced. She knew one thing for sure, she thought. They were in over their heads.

Ranma staggered to his feet, determined not to give up. His body ached all over but he wasn't about to let that stop him. He raised his arms in readiness. He turned around and tried to grab all the darts he could, then he turned around in what he hoped was the right direction. He tried to picture the board and aimed. As soon as he'd let go, he tore off the blindfold. He was certain he'd done better this time. A dart was in the center of the bulls-eye with the rest surrounding it.
"You weren't able to catch about ten of them but wasn't too shabby," Happosai conceded. Cologne nodded her agreement.
Ranma would have smiled at their reluctant admissions if it weren't for the fact that he was too exhausted to move a muscle. He trudged towards the house, realizing for the first time how hungry he was.

"Pop," Ranma said, calling Genma the next day. "D'you have a minute?"
Genma looked surprised. "Sure." He sat down heavily beside Ranma, who was sitting on the stairs leading up to the house.
"I-I just have a question. See, I don't have any idea about how my match with Nakido is gonna go. I mean, all I've been practicing is running away from darts." His voice dripped with sarcasm. "I don't think that's how he'll fight."
"Well," Genma began, scratching his head. "As far as I know ( At this Ranma thought, Great, I'm in trouble already ), Martial Arts Sleeping isn't to be taken literally. You won't start out sleeping or anything. It's more like a...a reminder of what the master is capable of doing. I'm quite sure your match will start out like any other."
"Dad, what would happen if I-" Ranma almost choked on the word, "-lose?"
Genma turned away from him coldly. "Inheriting the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts will become impossible. Akane Tendo will no longer be bound to be your fiance. All that we've worked for for all these years will go to naught and I would be heartbroken."
So that was that, Ranma mused bitterly. He had his father had never gotten along but...he was all he had in the world. Ranma hung his head with regret.
"I would still stand by you of course," Genma quietly added.
Ranma looked up, startled.
Genma faced him and Ranma thought he detected just a hint of tears behind the glasses. "Whatever happens, you'll always be my son," he declared. "Nothing can change that."
The two embraced for the first time in a long time.
"Thanks Pop," Ranma said, meaning it. He felt like a burden had just been lifted from off of his shoulders.

After his heart-to-heart talk with his father, Ranma went back to his training session. He was determined not to fall down at all this time. Happosai and Cologne seemed to sense this and set out to make his task even tougher. They pushed and pushed him nearer to the edge, but even though his body was showing signs of quitting, he wouldn't let it. Again and again he tried, again and again he failed but he never gave up. Closer and closer he came to achieving his goal; he no longer shot at the wrong wall and once or twice he actually snatched all of the darts. He knew exactly where he stood even though he couldn't see a thing. His reflexes, already incredibly fast, got even faster and his aim more true. However, something was missing and he knew it.
"Look with your mind," Cologne was repeatedly saying.
"Don't try to see," was Happosai's input. "Sense."
Look with your mind and sense indeed, Ranma muttered to himself scornfully. It was just the sort of advice you'd expect from a freak and an old ghoul. But he couldn't discount their words. Over and over they rang in his mind until Cologne hopped over and hit him with her stick. "Idiot! Have you heard a word we've said?! Sense! Sense! Sense!"
Ranma boiled, humiliated at her rebuff. He squared his jaw. He'd show 'em. "Ready," he mumbled. He performed his most poorly so far. Feeling the heaviness of their disapproval, he fumed even more. Unbidden, a picture of Akane floated in his mind. "You jerk!" she seemed to say. "Are you so stubborn that you won't listen to anybody?! Just give it a shot for heaven's sake." Grumbling, he finally gave in. What harm could it do? "Ready," he mumbled again. He closed his eyes beneath the blindfold and concentrated. Darts came flying at him.
Suddenly, a light seemed to go off in his head. His honed reflexes combined with intense concentration made him actually visualize the incoming projectiles. It was as if someone had ripped the cloth from his eyes. He dodged and jumped, then snatched darts before they whizzed out of reach. Amazingly, he grabbed all the darts with ease. With one great heave, he launched them at the board dead center. Ranma grinned confidently, not needing to see to believe. He knew he'd done it. He pulled the blindfold off slowly. He was greeted by two humongous eyes. "Yikes!" he cried, doing the symbol.
"Well done, son-in-law," Cologne croaked, rubbing her face against his.
"Ulp! This is what I get?!" Ranma bellowed in disgust. He immediately began plucking out the darts.
"Wow," Happosai said, watching him. He was awestruck. "That's the fastest thing I ever saw anyone do."

Ranma was dreaming. It was a strange dream. In it, he was face-to-face with Nakido and Nakido was laughing wildly. Nakido kept changing into people he knew or had fought with. Ranma couldn't move and that made him angrier. He looked down and he suddenly knew why Nakido was laughing. He was a girl wearing a dress full of frills and lace. Out of nowhere, a fist appeared and before he could strike Ranma blocked it. He opened his eyes, shaking his head to clear it. He sat up straight and Happosai tumbled off his stomach.
"Aargh!!!" he yelled before leaping instinctively away just as Happosai threw cold water on his futon.
"Well, I can see you've made good use of your exercise," cackled Happosai.
"So this is a test?" Ranma accused.
"How very astute of you," was the reply.
They circled around each other, watching who made the first move. Ranma, growing impatient, launched himself into a kick. Happosai nimbly stepped aside as he crashed through the wall.
"Eek!" Akane screamed in the adjoining room. She drew the sheets around her.
"This is not the place to fight," Ranma announced. Without a word, the two sprung off the ground, making holes in the roof.
"Destroy the rest of our home why don't you!" an annoyed Akane called after them.
Once again they faced each other. Ranma feinted as if he was moving left then within a blink of an eye, charged Happosai, fists before him. Happosai stepped back. He reached in and brought out his pipe. He hit Ranma with it and Ranma was thrown back. Grinning wickedly, he drew out a lit happodaikarin bomb. He flung it almost casually in the direction of Ranma, who was lying on his back.
Ranma was ready for it however. Just before the bomb landed he frontflipped, missing the explosion. Using the smoke as a cover, he crept up to a smug Happosai. He punched him with a solid uppercut, ending the old man flying. In a second, Happosai had disappeared around the horizon.
Ranma panted, placing his hands on his knees. Suddenly, the realization of what he'd just accomplished hit him. He'd won over Happosai. He'd never won before. In fact, he didn't even know anybody who had beaten the old freak. He smiled triumphantly, elation flooding through his whole body.
The moment was brief. The Tendos and his father climbed up a ladder, congratulating him. Cologne used her stick to vault onto the roof. "Son-in-law, you've won my respect," she told him gravely. Soun and Genma were doing a celebration dance, rejoicing that someone could finally protect them from their master's fury. Akane hugged him ecstatically, then immediately broke away, as if shocked she'd actually put her arms around him. Nabiki shook his hand and thanked him for the 5000 yen she'd won in a bet. Kasumi smiled in the background and remarked how well Ranma and Happosai got along. Ranma smiled and accepted their congratulations.
The group watched as the sun rose, the sky changing from black to orange to a brilliant blue. Ranma's smile slowly faded. It was the third day.

To Worth Dying For, part 2
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