Ranma vs Doom 
by: Shadowfire

General History of Doom, except for the addition of Satan and the Space Marine offensive.

For two years Hell had been trying to take over Earth...to add it to its own vastness...or at least, the 
Earth that the Space Marines were from. There were other dimensions that were easier to conquer, but the overlord
of hell, Satan, knew that the Space Marines would fight until either they had been destroyed...or they 
had won.  At first, the battles were easy...the moons of Phobos and Deimos were easily conquered, the
humans there killed and ressurected to become servents of hell.  Then, things went wrong.  The humans on
Phobos had managed to get a distress signal out...which had summoned the Space Marines.  At this
point in time, the Marines were excellent fighters, but were no match for hell's forces...almost all of
the force that was sent to the moons were killed, their spirits leaving behind their crushed, mangled and
charred corpses. The only survivor was a man that Satan had come to hate more than anything in all
of the infinite dimensions...that man was a Space Marine named Flynn Tagart.  Flynn had been left 
inside the transport as his buddies went in to fight...and when he realised that his friends were all dead,
he went in after the demons, bent on revenge.  Flynn had destroyed all of Satan's hopes about using
Phobos as a launch point to send his demonic hordes against Earth.  And then, through a major 
blunder by his forces, came to the moon of Deimos, which had been transported to Hell itself!
Satan quickly went to plan B, and started sending his troops through the Gateway...the link to Earth.
But then, Flynn got further than expected...he fought his way through Deimos, ad destroyed the 
Cyber Demon that Satan had given the moon to.  Satan had smirked, then, watching Flynn's face
as he realised where he was, and almost laughed himself to the next dimension when he saw
Flynn grapple down to Hell's surface.  One human couldn't possibly defeat ALL of Hell, could he?
Well, Flynn fought his way to the Spider Mastermind's lair just as the last of Satan's attack forces 
passed through the Gateway.  Flynn fought and defeated the Spider Mastermind, and went through
the portal...only to discover Earth in near ruins.  Satan, now, for the first time in all of his existance,
started to doubt his forces...and his fears were justified...Flynn defeated his forces on Earth...then 
destroyed his most powerful servant: The Demon-Spitter...a creature that could create the demons 
of Hell with a mere thought.  After Satan attempted (and failed) to take over Earth a few more times, the
Space Marines went on the offensive.  The opened a Gateway into Hell and sent in Legion upon Legion
of soldiers, building supplies, weapons, equipment, food, medical supplies, ect, ect, ect...and 
established Fort Firewind, a fortress so big and well equipped it rivaled Death Keep.  Flynn was placed 
in command of the troops...well, now we're a little side tracked, but you have the basic idea of what's going 
on.  And now, onto the story! (note:  The references to Satan are made up by me, because in the game
Doom Satan is not the main bad guy...oh, and all Ranma 1/2 characters are property of Rumiko
Takahashi, and Flynn Tagart and Doom bad guys are property of ID software, at least I THINK they are. 
Oh, and one final note...Death Keep and Fort Firewind are MY OWN CREATION! Oh, and Space 
Marine martial arts are ALSO of my own creation...I'm sorry to any doom fans out there, but I had
to come up with an explination for Flynn's extremely powerful punch when he picks up a 
berserker pack...or, in this case, activates his berserker pack.  Sorry again, but I altered  the nature of
the pack for this story...you'll see how it's been altered later on.)


  The lone caco demon floated silently through the skies, its single green eye looking down upon the
burnt, molten and ashen plains of Hell.  
  "Why am *I* always stuck with these blasted recon jobs!?" it thought angrily.  "Satan knows that if
I spot any of those bloody humans nosing around, they'd probably see me and shoot me down!"
  It's line of thought continued along those rather dreary lines for several minutes, when suddenly it 
noticed something out of the coner of its eye...movement upon the plains below.
  "Hmmm, that's odd...none of our patrols were supposed to be out THIS far..." it thought, a growing
feeling of unease started to make its presence known inside of its swollen body. Silently,
and with great skill, it lowered itself a few hundred feet out of Hell's hostile skies.  Upon  closer
look, it realized why it was uneasy.  A massive force of Space Marines was making its way to
Death Keep...the center of command for all of Hell.  It did a full turn and was just starting to rush back
when it was suddenly turned into a pool of falling blood and guts as a massive green ball of plasma
energy slammed into it from below....

  The undead sentries of Death Keep look towards the horizon, a great feeling of foreboding upon them.
For hours now, that feeling had been growing, as if something big was going to happen.  Their superiors
said that the Space Marines didn't have enough courage, nor enough Troops to dare attack Death Keep,
but with the increasing victories of the humans, the demons were not so sure now.  Suddenly, out of
nowhere, a tremendous sound was heard...at first, the sentries couldn't identify it, but they quickly 
recognized it it as being the sound of numerous B.F.G's charging up for a blast.  They realized this
much too late.

  With a massive discharge sound, hundreds of massive green plasma energy blasts were hurled
against the black steel north wall of Death Keep, causing it to crack and explode into numerous
large chunks.  The sentries that were patrolling on the wall were thrown off, several getting crushed
by falling metal chunks just as they landed.  Those that survived immediately stood up, their guns ready.
A team of Former human Commandos (chaingun guys) crouched down, aiming their chainguns at the 
50 meter breach along the wall.  Former humans (pistol guys) and Former human sargents (shotgun
guys) stood in between the clustered commandos, their guns armed and ready.

  Suddenly, deadly streams of blue plasma balls shot through the breach, blowing apart any undead 
creature that was unfortunate enough to be in the way.  The source of these streams of deadly plasma
were several black uniformed Space Marines, each one holding a plasma rifle.  The whining of the
plasma rifles was only surpassed by the battle cries of the Space Marines, which at this point were
charging through the breach.  The remaining undead Commados and Former humans returned fire
with a vengence, the cracking of shotgun fire and continuous rat-a-tat-tat of the chainguns adding
to the unearthly din.  Several Space Marines fell, dying before they even hit the ground, but it was
not enough to stop the charge.  
  The black uniformed Marines secured the area, forming a defensive arch around the breach, 
blasting any of the demons that they saw.  Through the breach came several yellow uniformed
 Space Marines, each one of them carrying the Ultamite weapon: the B.F.G. 9000.
Unfortunately, they wouldn't be able to discharge their weapons anymore, due to the risk of killing
their comrades. 

    Following them came Red uniformed Space Marines, armed with chainguns or shotguns, and
each one having a rocket laucher slung over his shoulder.  These Marines took up positions beside
their black uniformed comrades, killing demons on sight.

  Finally, a lone Green uniformed Space Marine stepped through the breach, a grim look visible
on his face even through the tinted glass of his helmet.  This was Flynn Tagart, the ultimate soldier.
His massive frame and muscles clearly visible against Hell's tortured sky.  He carried every weapon
available to the Space Marine forces...and he was a master of the dreaded Space Marine marital art.
This form of martial arts was so deadly, so brutal that civilians were forbidden to learn it.  The main
attack for this martial art was the Doom fist, which, due to extreme training, the body of the marine
would only let it be used when the Marine's berserker pack became active.  This technique involved
25,000 punches a second, each hit at the full strength of the Marine.  This was enough to splatter
most of the demons instantly, though some of the other ones were tough enough to not splatter.
(Note:  The marine punch moves so fast that it only looks like he's throwing a single punch.)

  Flynn started to yell orders to the force, when suddenly he was surrounded by an eerie red light,
and suddenly vanished.  While the rest of the Marines were still shocked, they had a plan in case 
this little eventuality:  Destroy anything and everything that has to do with Death Keep, which they 
proceeded to do with extreme predjudice.

  Meanwhile, Satan gloated over his accomplishment, his fangs beared in an evil grin.
  "With that fool, Flynn, out of the picture, the Space Marines will cumble before the might
of my armies!  I will be unstoppable once more!" he thought gleefully.  His cheerful thoughts were 
cut off by massive explosions occuring all around the Keep.  His grin of victory quickly changed
into an open mouthed expression of shock.  The Space Marines were going berserk!  They were 
destroying everything...demons, statues, whole buildings!  And the demons weren't having any luck
in stopping them.  Satan watched as a group of 10 space marines leaped upon a Cyber Demon
and proceded to pummel it.  Within seconds, it had been rendered to nothing more than a pile of
bloody meat and circutry.  

  Satan realized that it was time to beat a hasty retreat and quickly opened a portal...unfortunately
for him, he had forgotten to change the co-ordinates of his teleportation, nearly ending up where he
had last set his co-ordinates to the last time he used the teleportation spell.

  All was quiet in Nerima that evening.  The sun was slowly setting over the horizon, its final light
casting a read glow over the town.  Suddenly, in a dark alleyway, there was a flash of red light,
a loud yell, and finally loud banging and crashing sounds which were immediately followed by
a severe amount of cursing.

  Stepping out of the alley, Flynn was brushing off the dirt that had latched itself onto his body armor
and uniform when he landed in the trash can. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts up, he dislodged
a banana peal which had somehow fastened itself to his helmet.  Pearing around, he frowned as he
realized where he was.

  "It would have been too kind of Satan if he had sent me to MY Earth...so I wonder why he sent me to 
THIS dimension..." he thought, looking around disdainfully at the primitive technology and transportation
which surrounded him. "Obviously, this place isn't past the 1990's yet...and another obvious fact is that
this is in some Asian country, probably Japan..." sighing, he felt around in his pocket and pulled out
a thick wad of American 20 dollar bills, and proceded to count them. "500 dollars in all...not bad...now, 
if I could just find a bank..." and he then proceeded to wander around the streets.

  1 month later...

  Ranma Saotome looked nervously down at the plate of food in front of him...or at least, something
that slightly *resembled* food.  He then switched his nervous look from the plate to Akane, who was
starting to look a bit peeved.

  "Well, aren't you going to try some?" she asked, a slight hint of anger edging her words.

  "I..uh...ummm...er..." Ranma said, his voice betraying the fear he felt.  All of his self-preservation
instincts were telling him *not* to eat the so called food in front of him...but then his mind was telling
him that if he didn't at least try some, Akane would be hurt.  Hesitantly, he picked up his chopsticks
and took a bit of food in between them.  He slowly raised the morsel to his mouth, looked at Akane's
face, then took the food into his mouth.

   "Okay...it passed the first test...it's in my mouth and not causing any bad reaction..." Ranma thought.
He then began to chew slowly, noting that it had passed the second test. "Hmm, tastes alright...slightly
salty, though." 

 He then swallowed the piece of food, feeling it slide down his throat and into his stomach...he closed
his eyes and waited for his stomach to start churning...but it didn't.  After a few seconds he opened his
eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Hey Akane, this ain't too bad...a bit salty, though." he said with a *very* relieved town of voice. Then,
without another word, he shoveled down the rest of the food like there was no tomorrow, feeling
rather hungry all of a sudden with his nervousness passed.  Akane just sat there and smiled, pride
flowing through her body.

  "I did it!" she thought excitedly, "I cooked something he can enjoy! Just wait until I tell Kasumi the 

  After Ranma had finished the breakfast (in under 5 minutes, as usual), he looked up at the clock, and his
eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets.

 "DAMMIT! We're gonna be late!" he shouted as he lept to his feet and ran out the door.  Akane followed, 
grabbing her book bag and his on the way out.

 "BAKA!" she yelled after him, "You forgot your book bag!"

  Ranma quickly did a U-turn, ran up to Akane, grabbed his book bag, swung it over his shoulder, 
grabbed her by the hand and started to run towards school.

  15 minutes later, both Ranma and Akane were out in the hallway of the school holding buckets of water.
Ranma had a look on his face which couldn't be misinterpreted for anything else other than annoyance.

  "Only 2 minutes late and we STILL end up in the hall, ugh!" he thought, "If I were to set the rules, there
would be an allowance given for those who were only a few minutes late!  Oh well, at least I'm only 
missing math, that's not *that* important." he thought glumly.

  An hour later it was time for his phys-ed class, his favourite class of them all.  When he got to the gym,
his eyes bugged out.  The whole place was laid out like a military training area, complete with grappling
wall, tire run and net climb.  The next thing he saw was an absoulutely huge man walking out of the
storage room carrying about 50 gym mats with his single hand.  The man stood at about 6"10, had
sandy brown hair with brown eyes and was built like a tank.  The man threw the mats onto the floor and
began to place them around the grappling wall.  Looking over he saw Ranma gaping at him, and a small 
smile curved his lips.

 "Well don't just stand there, kid, get over here and help me set this thing up!" he said in a deep, yet 
gentle voice.

  Ranma quickly snapped out of his trance and ran over, grabbed a few mats and started placing them
around the grappling wall.  The man watched him for a few moments then cleared his throat.  Ranma 
looked up quizzically at him, wondering what he wanted now.

  "Thanks for the help, kid, now go over to that bench over there and sit down." he said.

  Ranma, not knowing anything else to do, walked over to the bench and sat down, waiting for the rest
of his class to get out of the changing rooms.  The reactions from the rest of the students were exactly
like Ranma's had been...they were completely shocked at the layout of the gym, their wide eyed stares
were proof of that.  When all of the students had sat down on the benches,  the man  stepped up in 
front of the benches and began to speak.

 "My name is Tom Lewis, I'm here as a substitute for your regular gym teacher, he's got the flu.  If
you're wondering why I have the gym layed out like this, it's quite simple: I'm gonna whip you into shape, 
and a military setup is the best way to do it.  From now on, there's not going to be ANY slacking off
whatsoever, and if I catch ANY of you taking a break when you're not supposed to, you'll be punished
most...how shall I put it...adequately." he smiled a cold smile at the class.

"This is going to be a LONG class." Ranma thought wearily, and started to get a growing dislike
for this new teacher.


This has merely been a sign of things to come...unfortunately, I can't write the Ranma bits as well as
I can the doom bits.  I will get better at it, have no fear, but I could use some suggestions about how
to write the Ranma characters...I jus need advice about personality traites.  Please feel free to send any
comments or badly needed suggestions to: locke_th@hotmail.com    Thank you for being patient 
enough to read this far.

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