WWC snapshot of http://www.census.gov/org/pub_relations/pub_info/Radio/WOA.html taken on Wed May 31 20:34:40 1995
Census Radio Broadcast Service

Demographic Features -- American People and Housing

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Economic Features -- The Nation's Business

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Uncle Sam's Almanac -- Highlights from the Statistical Abstract

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"GalerĂ­a Informativa"

The biweekly Spanish-language radio program

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"Just a Minute"

These one-minute segments highlight results of the 1992 Census of Agriculture. Up to Radio Menu

About the Census Radio Broadcast Service

The Census Radio Broadcast Service is produced by the Census Bureau's Public Information Office. You can help shape future editions by giving us your comments and suggestions. Please contact Maury Cagle or Rick Reed at pio@census.gov, or at the Public Information Office, Bureau of the Census, Room 2705-3, Washington, DC 20233; phone: 301-457-2816; fax: 301-457-3670.

The sound files above are 8-bit audio files in .au format. The Canadian Broadcast Corporation has information on tools for playing .au format sound files. Older files may be found in our FTP Archives (ftp://ftp.census.gov/pub/Pub-Info/Radio/Archive).

This material is also available through North American Network by satellite feed each Monday morning at 11:15 a.m. (EST) on Satcom C5, Transponder 19, Channel 13-1. North American Network also maintains RadioSpace, a Web site with links to radio stations and networks.

You may also listen to the current week's features over the telephone by calling 1-800-934-DIAL (3425).

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