CENSUS RADIO BROADCAST SERVICE Edition #151--For Air Beginning Week of March 13, 1995 "Just a Minute," Runs :60 CAGLE: "Just a Minute," a look at American agriculture with Joe Miller. Joe, there's been some tough below-freezing temperatures in Florida this year--what impact is that going to have on the nation's strawberry production? MILLER: Nationally, Florida is the second-ranked state in strawberry production, yet it accounts for only 7 percent of all the strawberries produced in the country. California is by far and away the leading strawberry producer, with four-fifths of the nation's total strawberry production, and in third place is Oregon, but it has only 4 percent. So, while at a national level, the cold weather in Florida won't have a profound effect on the strawberry production and the availability of the crop, it will be devastating to those Florida farmers, so let's hope, for their sake, the crop isn't destroyed. CAGLE: "Just a Minute" is produced by the U.S. Census Bureau.